Let it Be, It's All Bullshit

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by H2O420, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. All of it.

    See, here's the unbiased, un-stoned thought I had yesterday that's been in the back of my head for a while, but for some reason came through clear yesterday. If there's no absolutes, no right, no wrong... There's no anger, greed, or hate. There's no peace, no love, no happiness. No government, no conspiracies, no aliens, no heaven, no hell, no god. No religion, no spirit. No death. No life. There's literally a contradiction for everything, including this whole post.

    There's just you. You and how you see things. You and atoms. These things build the world we see. He who talks loudest wins.

    It's all bullshit, and it's bad for you.

    Fuck. Carlin was right.
  2. If it really is all bullshit then I guess the worshippors of all those religions aren't really praying for much of a god..:)
  3. Descarte would say, now that you have broken everything down to nothing, thinking is still happening and so the thinker exists. Those thoughts lead you to reason even if all of your physical senses are fooled, drugged, ect. So then, everything that is at least based on reason is a sure foundation. It isn't all bullshit.
  4. ^^ Yes, if there is a god, he doesn't give a fuck about us. Why would he?

    Exactly. The system exists because it must. The way the world is is the way it's supposed to be. One might consider there's a better way, but it's the same. And it's all bullshit.

    Imagine, and let it be.
  5. All I can say is that I really connect with the bolded phrase, strongly.....

    Society is hype. Fabricated mess of what I really don't want, need.

    The Universe already passed judgement on you, even if it did second-guess itself.....
  6. One creatures feces forms a home for a fresh fecal species.

    I would be the doodoo dome.
  7. interesting thoughts man..
    everything simply is what it is... i guess you got to sort it all out for yourself.. its a personal thing... finding some inner peace?

  8. I share very similar thoughts. these reasons are why Nietzsche's "God is Dead" was tragic to most. those bolded ones are metaphysical or subjective things. Which I dont think exist either, though some would argue that the unbolded do. Descartes "i think therefore i am" tries to prove the self exists, however fails to define what "I" truly is. Kant is interesting and his supporters might argue that metaphysics exist, due to his work on "synthetic a priori" statements (not even gunna go there it gets redic). But overall i felt that kants work was very language based, and he forgot that humans are animals. the worst (and somehow the best?) part of philosophy is questions just get answered with more questions. i live my life to experience what i have yet to and just watch the movie
  9. I feel peace. :) Hoping others may as well.

    Straight up. And as far as the unbolded in your post go, they either exist or they don't, and if we were told that they do exist, then there's still the possibility that they don't, and it's just one massive hoax. Or not. :smoke:

    To (mis)quote Carlin again: "Sit back, choose your superstition, and enjoy the show"
  10. Amazing. I've been having similar thoughts.

    I realize, that there is no right. no wrong. no good. no bad.

    Then what is there?

    Only the truth...
  11. Way to recognize moral law! Its crazy that when we think deep enough, we can realize that the moral laws that we live by are not necessary, but we are compelled by them in our every decision and they help us battle off natural impulsed. Yet what are they?

    They tell us right from wrong without having to ask. They keep us from acting in instinctual ways that might cause harm. Yet, when we really think about it, why do we have to think that way? nature is definitely not governed by moral laws. A tree doesn't care about whats right or wrong. A volcano can explode and destroy an entire civilization without caring about right or wrong, whats mean and whats generous. A branch will grow under your foundation and destroy your home. A grizzly bear will maul you, even though you posed no threat and it doesn't plan on eating you.

    Yet us humans, with the mental capacity to realize that is isn't necessarily followed by everything in nature, know right from wrong. The planet was never going to look at itself and see a hole in it's ozone layer, but we did. It would not have known if that was a good thing or a bad thing. But we know, and we try to fix it.

    A wolf attacking a human baby doesn't know right from wrong, or good from bad. But a grown human with moral law guiding it won't shred a baby wolf apart.

    Our moral laws are set in very well, and it wasn't taught to us, we would have known this even if we were never told.

  12. He who talks loudest doesn't know what hes talking about.


  13. Those who do nothing but talk will never learn.. It's the listeners who truly learn about this world :p

    On a softer note though I think OP is confusing belief with truth. Yes good and bad are both subjective feelings and just like any other word their meanings can be interpreted differently. That doesn't mean that there isn't a real objective world and that it's not real because we all experience it differently. It just means we have subjective views of an objective world and sometimes beliefs get skewed with truth because they are so closely intertwined(well all the time really). There ARE fundamental natural laws that we must all abide by whether we like it or not or even if we acknowledge them at all...

    P.S. It's funny that I keep seeing this topic coming up in this forum. Confusing belief with truth is a bad thing to do because you will eventually start shutting out all other viewpoints which will make you a prisoner of your own mind...
  14. 'Right or wrong,' moral law that is, is a fabrication of society, not inherent to the human species. Nowadays though society is shaped by government and media to an extreme extent. Moral law is basically created out of thin air by the two. It's exactly like the legal tender in our wallets. In reality, it represents nothing.
  15. It doesn't matter. Belief trumps truth, as there can be any possible truth to any scenario, hence the infinite perspectives.

    Look at the laws that govern our society. They are quite open to agreement or disagreement. Natural laws are the same way. The world was flat, the earth was the center of the universe. Perhaps tomorrow gravity was what kept us on the ground.

    He still wins. :cool: Perhaps if people who "knew" what they were talking about spoke the fuck up, we might actually see some change in the world.

    Here's my problem with peace loving, intelligent people. They're pussies. You can't get anything done that way, sorry. Look at politics, see how much the republicans get done (good or bad), and see how much democrats get done (good or bad).

    Nobody knows what they're talking about, the very fact that people are disagreeing with me in this thread shows that people think I have no idea what I'm talking about, so what does that tell you. Either I don't or they don't. Maybe nobody does? By that logic everyone does. 1 is 0.

    So in attempt to find a happy medium we invent religion and morality, government and law. It's all bullshit, it's all open to interpretation, so hold on to your beliefs, do what you want, take it easy and enjoy the fucking ride. (or don't) :D
  16. #16 Budwisesir, Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2009
    I'm not one who talks alot or let alone talks. But I'm no pussy, I just don't care what people know, I'm not going to make their changes. They can do it themselves.

    Selfish people.

    In the end, I win, because I never set myself up to win nor lose.
  17. You can't say that because prehistoric man got it wrong it means that its ALL false... We KNOW that the earth is round and we KNOW that we aren't the center of the universe now.

    We also KNOW that we are going to die. Regardless of what the words used to represent the idea entail. You will one day die, even if you don't acknowledge it.

    What about
    2 + 2 = 4

    You may say well my 2 and your 2 may mean different numbers so it isn't true. You are right that the symbols and words used to represent the ideas can be interpreted differently. I am RIGHT because the concept behind the word is STILL THE SAME. Even if it was a different number system(ie: binary only 0's & 1's) it would STILL hold true no matter what.

    I KNOW that if you stop breathing you will die.
    I KNOW that you need sleep or you will die.
    I KNOW that if you don't eat and then shit you will die.

    Even if it's all one big ass fantasy and death doesn't mean death(at least not in the normal sense of the word) that DOESN'T make it any less true because you still must abide by those rules.

    I'm not gonna argue about this though, I'm simply trying to offer a different perspective.. You are confusing belief with truth and if you continue to do that then you will only become a prisoner of your own mind....
  18. I'm not calling you a pussy, lol, or anyone else here. I'm talking about the activists, the people who want things to change, yet are unwilling to do anything besides spout words of love and peace. Maybe some of those people are here, if so, sorry. Truth hurts. :D

    Hendrix is my favorite musician of all time. "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Yet, according to most people, love is the strongest force out there. So how will the power of love alone overcome the love of power? If someone genuinely loves power, they'll do anything for it. The same should hold true for the love of love. It's like people who complain that pot isn't legal, yet they don't send an e-mail or make a phone call.

    I'm not confusing anything with anything. You believe you're alive, that's your truth. End of story. End of everybody's story. But if you're not alive, and you die, then what the hell is that?

    I see where you're coming from, trust me. I understand you totally. We're all prisoners of our minds, I assure you. Truth varies from person to person. Just because I agree with you, doesn't make either of us right.

    You just said we're both right, and we're saying two different things. There you go, my point. It. Doesn't. Matter.
  19. #19 UnbyJP, Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2009
    There are physical phenomenon in this world, and then there is how we humans explain/see it. The first person who'll tell you we 'know' nothing is a scientist. That's because everything is a theory. Even laws in science are based on theory. The law of gravity, gravitational theory. All it means is that it is the most accurate and useful portrayal of the phenomenon that humans have come up with so far. And really, all of science depends on math, which is also human concocted. Math is accepted as 'truth' but in reality it is simply a language that we use to describe our theories of the physical world in order to better understand it. Sure, another language based on a different numeral system will still be bound by the rules of numeral systems. I believe that there are other languages, yet to be created, not based on numeral systems that we have a hard time even conceptualized because the language of math is indoctrinated as 'truth' and even 'fact' in our education system. Use this altogether different language and the conclusions, theories, and 'laws' we come up with may actually be totally different. It may even yield and entirely unique and different perspective of the world. Another 'truth'.

    You noticed that everything you said you KNOW relates to you personally, but applicable to all of 'living' beings. Yet, do we know what 'life' and 'death' is? I don't think so. So essentially all you are saying is that, 'you KNOW that if you stop breathing something you don't know about will happen.'

    And as for talking loudly, that is often dependent on how big your guns are. It's the groups with the most military might that gets their versions of the 'truth' accepted as 'fact'. I can try to spread my 'truth' all I want but I wouldn't even make a slight difference unless I had a country, armed forces, a political system, media, and scientific institutions to work with.
  20. Agreed. Humans as a society and a race in general have a lot to learn. I say this, not because I know, but because I know I have a lot to learn.
    Truth seems to be a very interesting topic, and one that pops up here a lot. I think all of the back and forth arguements and conversation only helps to prove that all of our individual views are all different. And yet, we all the same.

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