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Less Is More?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by TheGhostofArcadia, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. #1 TheGhostofArcadia, Sep 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2014
    More is less is a pretty popular expression for a reason. It might even be true for smoking. Have you ever noticed you tend to hit a ceiling after smoking a while? I imagine only so much THC is allowed through the blood-brain barrier which then has to attatch itself to the cannibinoid receptors; the receptiveness and how it copes with THC after a length of smoking varies genetically. These receptor do begin to reject THC when the amount of THC present in the blood is greater than your brain's capacity for it.
    Rushing your smoke might also help get you higher, but that's a total guess. My theory being that it takes time for your brain to respond to the overload on those receptors. Ingesting as much THC into your blood as fast as possible should provide a greater peak.
    Anyway, I've been using a one-hitter to slow my weed consumption. It seems like I smoke significantly less with the one-hitter, yet still find that the resulting high is pretty damn similar to when I use my pipe. I don't think my brain being extra-receptive to THC would make a difference (but my brain is.) Could it simply be mind over matter? Maybe-- but who cares? I basically to get to be a baked potato all the time now if I feel like it. :smoking:
    What do you guys think?

  2. I take one or two hits at a time. That's all I need.
    If I want to get blasted I can go get a cookie that will launch me out of this world.
    I also have about a 1/4 ounce of shatter. a dab and im done.
  3. I usually barely notice a difference off bowls and joints, but dabs will always get me a little higher.
  4. I was looking through other posts and I found this nifty article that is agreement with my theory. Part of it literally says, less is more.
    I also contend that the greater high could simply only originate from me being less affected by diminishing returns that are the result of over-smoking.
    I agree, I just came off a complete detox for over a year, I grew the whole time. Now 2 tokes and im good.
    I like the feeling of not being high. I have a huge stash and dont even dip into it. Get high 2 times a week.
  6. #6 TheGhostofArcadia, Sep 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2014
    I can certainly sympathize with that feeling. Being high all the time, especially baked as hell, leaves you in a fog. Been there. I can say though, if I just finished a 1 year grow I would not be able to help myself. You have more willpower than I my friend. Not to mention, you probably go insane when you get high these days. At least if you are anything like me during my first days smoking.
    Oh yes psychotic, pacing the floor in and outside, obsessive compulsion disorder goes wild.
    I get fucked up.
    I stayed sober for a drug and alcohol rehab I was ordered to take. It was not bad, first couple months are the hardest.
    I partied like a fucking chain saw stuck wide open for 35 years, I needed to slow down.
  8. #8 TheGhostofArcadia, Sep 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2014
    Yep, that's the high. It was either balls to the wall good times or I was a shifty, homeless-man with PTSD, huddled in the corner, murmuring about the alien-lizard people who are at the heart of the upper or socio-economic of our goverment's political system; poisoning our food, water, air, and attempting to control our minds with MK ULTRA.
    I slowed down. Never stopped. I'm a pizza delivery driver for now, so I'm kind of like, I need the money, buttttt I deliver pizzas. Fuckin college.
    Pizza man is a kick back job, I tip them well for hauling my dinner to my door. Iv given drivers hits of hash and shit. LOL
    I tell people who want a break from getting high is to start growing and only smoke what you can grow, stop buying weed.
    Its a good challenge and can motivate a lazy ass stoner to get his ass growing some bud. :)
  10. The amount I smoke when given a bottomless stash and no restrictions is about 3 oz per month. I can get just as high off of 1, but smoking weed is about much more than just getting high, to me anyways.
  11. I agree, less is more, but there are lots of factors to consider. Rate of consumption, height, weight, tolerance, etc. Our bodies takes time to register intake sometimes; when it comes to alcohol consumption it takes a while for you to feel intoxicated therefore you drink more and many people get wasted because of that, they drink too much without knowing how much effect it really is doing.. while drinking beer number 6 effects of beer number 3 could just now finally be kicking in. When I smoke I usually get high my first hit if it's my first time smoking but other times there are a delay.. You could take one huge hit and be done or you could take a bunch of small hits and not feel it yet then a couple minutes go by and you're all of a sudden baked. Consider the strain your smoking too; Indica dominant usually is a creeper and makes me feel stoney, tired and hungry. Sativa dominant makes me have stoner thoughts, and productive on the other hand. I think smoking alot in a short session gets you really high but you reach a level where you can't get any higher then you're just stoned and can't get high until you're sober again, if you pace your hits and hold in big rips you'll get high for a shorter time however you conserve weed and when you smoke again you get just as high if not higher.

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