Less is more

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by esseff, May 7, 2013.

  1. Movement is change
    Change is movement
    Without it I am always here
    With it I am everywhere else
    It has been a long time since any real change has been made
    Any change to what has been
    But tomorrow a change will begin
    Just a small one, and certainly not one I would've chosen
    But any change is good when no change has been looked for
    Even though without it, stagnation can take hold
    For most, change comes about through intention and desire
    The will is the factor that decides what is and isn't attempted
    Not so much with me
    Not in that way
    For thy will is mine
    Or at least it used to be ‘til I stopped feeling that
    But the ego cannot do this itself - it never could
    It sometimes forgets and thinks it can, and has a go for a while
    But it always ends the same way
    I am small
    I have to be
    Because otherwise who I am cannot show
    Does this make sense? Surely to show I should be big?
    How can something small need to be small in order to show?
    Because big is not real
    Only from the place where the ego is not does the real come from
    Only when the small matters can it shine
    Only when there is no need to be big can the reason be revealed
    Only in allowing smallness to be will the change allow me to be more of who I am.
    To feel, to see, to allow others to be who they are, without making them feel small as I make myself bigger.
    I am only that which works in the world
    I am not that which wants to be what the world sees
    We are doing this together
    We always have been
    You are me as I am you
    If I am bigger and better, then we are separate, because you are smaller, and I am over here.
    Yet, we are still different you and I
    It is apparently so
    For there is no purpose in same, no purpose in One. Not here.
    Here is about difference. Here is about unique.
    Those who have the most to say often make the least difference
    Making a difference matters
    In having less to say, I don't let my ego in the way
    That is a thing I have known before
    That is a thing that needs to be more

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