Lego bongs?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by 4Cave2man0, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. I heard about these bongs called legos as in like lego building toy bricks. and saw there were none for sale on here? are they legit real or was my friend making this up i swear i saw one somewhere online but are they legit as in good quality if they are available?
  2. bahahahaha... I'm sorry but I have no fucking idea what you're asking me... then again I'm really stoned
  3. I have seen people make them ... other than that idk
  4. Try aqualabs....
  5. Yes they are real and they are legit. Made by bcglass.
  6. ^beat me to it
  7. they do not look airtight tho man
  8. I can assure you that everything toalex posted is 100% airtight.

  9. Ha ha... I thought you meant the US tubes Build A Tube series... then I thought you meant actual bongs constructed from legos... then I Lol'd.
  10. i built a lego bong once. :rolleyes:

    i saw those on aqua labs a couple weeks ago, itd be sweet to build a bong different whenever u want to

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