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lego bong help?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by mattyice420, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. hey guys i made a lego bong, and i blew smoke through it to see if it would leak out, and it did not, but the water however, does leak out. so my question is, what type of sealant should i use to seal up the bulb and make it water proof?
  2. #2 Duncan2112, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2012

    Immature/pointless posts are not tolerated here - WW
  3. Aquarium glue

  4. I would go with this too.

    And show us a picture!!! :hello:
  5. You should be able to get some clear resin from a hobby store. Just paint that stuff on it and it'll become hard as rock and water tight. Then you need to paint little stoned faces on all your lego people and stick them to the bong too.
  6. oh that idea sounds cool. you should defiantly post pics im sure everyone wants to see:hello:
  7. That sounds fantastic. Don't let water discourage you! You could even make a small bridge for an icecatcher.
  8. lol he really posted the link for flex seal
  9. That sounds sick man. Legos are made that way, they stick together perfect so you dont have to worry about the maximum seal, as long as you get a nice drag trough its gonna work man trust me. Use sellotape where youre gonna put the water filtration on. Melt a lego and push your downstem trough, that should seal nice. Please show some pictures of that thing, it really sounds great.
  10. Pics or it didn't happen, we all wanna see don't tease us, I swear if its not one solid color im gonna find you, and give you a box of solid red legos by hittin ya square in the face with it >.>
  11. [quote name='"metaldubstepbud"']Pics or it didn't happen, we all wanna see don't tease us, I swear if its not one solid color im gonna find you, and give you a box of solid red legos by hittin ya square in the face with it >.>[/quote]

    Lol!! This made me laugh
  12. All my years of Lego building as a kid and I never though to do his, what was I thinking?

  13. I'm happy, really :)
  14. Subbd for picks
  15. Where are these photos at?
  16. qft!.

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