Legilize Marijauna?

Discussion in 'General' started by CamMan, May 13, 2003.


How many people out there would like to see ,marijuana legilized?

  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. How many people out would like to see marijauna legalixed?
  2. i see this poll quite often, and it really makes no sense to make a poll like this :p most people that post here arent hypocrites, we all wanna see marijuana legalized!

    So I vote a strong YES!!

  4. as i have said before... weed is for teh devil... you will all burn in hell... down with dope
  5. i did do something about it.. i voted yes.

    if youre asking why dont i do something to legalize marijuana, well, im coming to that point where i feel something needs to be done. i was thinking of joining norml, but it costs 35 dollars and i dont have the money.

    what are YOU doing to help?

  6. we've had this before.... and i cant be arsed typing out another page and a half of some of the reasons why cannabis is the ultimate and only source for correcting the wrongs of society and its masters for the past 70+ years.
  7. of course ! this is a marijuana website! of course everyones going to put yes!
  8. i put both, because i could and because this is one the of most obvious polls that i think its a trick question
  9. Oh yeah! Well i voted both before you!!!
  10. you may have voted before me, or maybe you just think you have voted before me, in the matrix nothing is as it seems! (srry, but damn just 2 more days!)
  11. That movie is badass! And I haven't even seen it yet!
  12. yea, thats a movie you dont need to see, to know its fucking a badass flick!
  13. I put no- but I was taking the piss. IT'S A CANNABIS FORUM!!!
  14. I did an entire speech on why marijuana should be legalized ... i convinced my speech teacher too .... so fuk ya it should be!!

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