Legalize - Save Lives

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by amsterdamage, Oct 8, 2009.

  1. 6,000 people were murdered by the Mexican drug cartels last year, this year they'll kill at least 7,000. Many of their victims are children, police officers and politicians.

    The ONLY way to end these murders is by eliminating the source of income being used to fund them. According to the ONDCP two-thirds of the cartels incomes come from selling marijuana in the U.S.

    We MUST be allowed to commercially produce and sell marijuana to adults at prices too low for the cartels to match. When we strip the cartel's customers from them we'll end the murders.

    Legalize - Save Lives!

  2. This is something we have to make people understand. The cartels are like companies, ask people what happens when a company loses 50-60% or more of its income. It goes bankrupt, or becomes so severly limited that we have an actual chance of eliminating them by confiscating their guns, it will be harder for them to buy more, so they will have less guns, they will have less guns, and the individuals in the cartels will have less money there for makes it less attractive for new recruits if they wont be making alot of money, and they have less bribery power. this is only one of the many sound points for legalizing mj.
  3. That's exactly it!

    And not only that but because the cartels are mainly killing to protect their marijuana cash flows from the U.S., when we eliminate those cash flows we'll not only remove their ability to kill but we'll also remove their reason for killing.

    The cartels have over half a million men and earn $8 - 10 BILLION every year just from selling marijuana in the U.S., we can't end the brutal murders they're committing to protect that income until we first eliminate it.

    This is something that must be explained to NONsmokers! We need them to demand an end to the prohibition before it's going to happen. They must be told about these people dying because of the prohibition and how ending it is the ONLY way to end the murders.

    Legalize - Save Lives.
  4. You're totally right.
    The non-smokers or those who are not directly invovled with marijuana don't care. They think pot is bad or some of them think it is kinda bad then they shut their brains closed on the subject. These people think the drug laws don't affect them because they don't use drugs. It is nearly impossible to convince one of these type of people that there is basically no negative impact due to personal marijuana use. We treat our wrong ideas like an addiction and it is just as hard to get rid of them. These people are everywhere and their ignorance is allowing drug gangs to flourish. Innocents die all the time in drug related crime but it does not penetrate their stubborn heads.

    We need to make them care!
  5. Sometimes i would just wish the History Channel would make a documentary on Cannabis, showing the relationship between its illegality and the rise of the drug cartels and how its a perfect parallel to what happened to prohibition plus all the other reasons and how there are no negative health effects and how it was made illegal because of racism

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