Legalize marijuana in Grand Rapids? It's the goal of DecriminalizeGR MLIVE / John Agar / 3,15,2012 GRAND RAPIDS – A local group wants to decriminalize the use and possession of marijuana in the city through a ballot initiative. Community activist Michael Tuffelmire said that “distinguished community leaders†back the proposal. "We are a committee of local young professionals and city leaders ... we feel this is the right direction for Grand Rapids for a better use of police resources, and better economically," Tuffelmire said this morning. He said that prosecuting marijuana users can hurt their futures, and wastes valuable police resources."A lot of cities are rethinking their marijuana policies," he said. DecriminalizeGR plans to announce the campaign at a press conference at 9 a.m. Friday at the Calder Plaza. Organizers hope to gain enough signatures to put the issue on the November ballot. The proposal would not include sale of marijuana. Decriminalization is only a halfstep because it does not address removing marijuana as the criminal's cash cow. However it may be effective as a way to back local police away from the federal governments bounty money for marijuana arrests,,once that addiction is treated then legalization efforts won't be fought as vigorously by law enforcement associations.