Legalize marijuana? Help

Discussion in 'General' started by tedtheballer, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. Hey GC,

    I'm doing an essay on why marijuana should be legalized. I obviously know some ideas and stuff but the more the better!

    So, why should it be legalized?
    Need 3 strong ideas
  2. * will increase state revenue and help fund a better economy
    * will decrease crime because people will be buying from the government and not have to deal with sketchy dealers. Also any cartels will be decreased in size and power as weed is probably their largest product
    * its illegal because of corruption and people should have the freedom to use a safe drug
    * prisons are over crowded with marijuana users and are funding private prisons for no reason. Cops should focus on real criminals not stoners

    Is this a school project? Whatever teacher gave you this assignment is a boss

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  3. Share a doobie with your teacher. You'll win foe sure.

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  4. #4 Storm Crow, Oct 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2013
    How about this? THC prevents Alzheimer's FAR BETTER than Aricept (the leading anti-Alzheimer's pharmaceutical drug)WebMD did a little article that said
    “THC blocks an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase, which speeds the formation of amyloid plaque in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease. The Alzheimer's drugs Aricept and Cognex work by blocking acetylcholinesterase. When tested at DOUBLE the concentration of THC, Aricept blocked plaque formation only 22% as well as THC, and Cognex blocked plaque formation only 7% as well as THC.”
    Marijuana May Slow Alzheimer's      (news - 2006)
    The medical study it is from- (They used the medical names for Aricept and Cognex- donepezil and tacrine)
    \nA Molecular Link between the Active Component of Marijuana and Alzheimer's Disease Pathology      (full - 2006)
    “It is noteworthy that THC is a considerably more effective inhibitor of AChE-induced A‚ deposition than the approved drugs for Alzheimer's disease treatment, donepezil and tacrine, which reduced A‚ aggregation by only 22% and 7%,respectively, at twice the concentration used in our studies .Therefore, AChE inhibitors such as THC and its analogues may provide an improved therapeutic for Alzheimer's disease, augmenting acetylcholine levels by preventing neurotransmitter degradation and reducing A‚ aggregation,
    thereby simultaneously treating both the symptoms and progression of Alzheimer's disease.”
    Then there is what cannabidiol, the # 2 compound in cannabis, can do to cancer and diabetes!
    Pot compound seen as tool against cancer      (news – 2012)
    “When McAllister and Desprez exposed the (triple negative breast cancer) cells to cannabidiol in a petri dish, the cells not only stopped acting "crazy" but they also started to revert to a normal state… The researchers stressed cannabidiol works only on cancer cells that have these high levels of ID-1 and these do not include all cancerous tumors but, rather, aggressive, metastatic cells. But they've found such high levels in leukemia, colorectal, pancreatic, lung, ovarian, brain and other cancers.”
    The original study -
    Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells.    
    (full - 2007)     
    Diabetes? Well, diabetic retinopathy is the #1 cause of blindness in adults!  
    Cannabidiol As a Putative Novel Therapy for Diabetic Retinopathy: A Postulated Mechanism of Action as an Entry Point for Biomarker-Guided Clinical Development. (full - 2009)
    Marijuana compound could prevent eye damage in diabetics       (news - 2006)
    Diabetes also can damage your heart-
    Cannabidiol Attenuates Cardiac Dysfunction, Oxidative Stress, Fibrosis, and Inflammatory and Cell Death Signaling Pathways in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy  
    (full - 2010)
    Lab Notes: Pot Has Benefits for Diabetic Hearts       (news - 2010)
    And diabetes can cause painful diabetic neuropathy!
    Beneficial effects of a Cannabis sativa extract on diabetes induced neuropathy and oxidative stress.        (abst - 2009)
    Cannabis plant extracts could potentially form the basic ingredients for a market-leading diabetes drug      (news – 2009)
    Just on those medical benefits alone, cannabis should be legalized! And that is only the tip of the iceberg! For more information on what cannabis can do for you, check out the bottom of my sig! If you send me an email, I will send you back over 1000 pages of links like those above!
    Weed is probably in no way their main export :laughing: . The weed is what they send through to distract people from the semi full of coke haha.
  6. #6 0ri0n, Oct 5, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2013
    See about getting a statement from a police officer on the subject, I've met more than a few who think busting people for pot is a waste of time and resources, and takes them away from actually protecting the public.
    Some comparisons between it and alcohol might be good too, plenty of statistics to be found on that.
  7. Well weed is the most used drug on the planet. I think compared to coke and heroin it is one of their main exports. If weed was legal, they would lose a crazy amount of money

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    That's true it's a big market i was just saying that a truck full of heavy drugs is worth 10x+ than weed. All in all legalization would be great. If we really wanted to kill the cartels legalize everything and regulate and treat rather than incarcerate.
  9. It gets tricky when you talk about legalizing all drug because a lot of people may be alright with weed legal, but meth and all that being legal is a different story. The only way to really solve this issue is to make all drugs legal so people who do use hard drugs can have a safe way to obtain them. It is quite scary though when you have a meth head in your ap building who would be down to kill you for their next dose.

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    Well that's my point it'd be better to give these people clean drugs, clean utensils, and treatment rather than being locked up and having to do illegal things to get their next dose.
    I mean that meth head next door is going to be a meth head legal or not :laughing:
    O well this is a discussion for another time.
  11. You better rock this essay now!
  12. 1. It's HARMLESS
    2. Remember prohibition? It still dosent work...
    3. Use personal experiences on smoking bud.

    At least that's what I would do! Haha

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