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Legalize cannabis for ADD now!

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by njhippie, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. I have used those amphetamines pushed by the drug companies for many years when I was a kid. Amphetamine for children! But its true and so many 7 year old kids are legally on speed but I could be arrested as a responsible adult taking a toke of natural cannabis! Something is not right here!

    I honestly think that I would be permanently screwed up if they didn't take me off of that shit in 7th grade. I honestly forgot what its like and right now I'm using a little of my brothers adderall (an old prescription thankfully) just to give me that little edge to help me with the 3 hours or so of studying ahead of me. But the main effect of the drug is extreme hyperactivity in my case. Its ok, even fun once in a while I guess but this can't be healthy.

    Last night I put mj to the test. I took about 3 hits of some mids and got a mild buzz going. Adderall and caffeine boost your brain but can make studying even more stressful at times.

    The mild mj buzz, instead of supercharging my brain out of control like adderall, slowed my mind down enough to enable me to get in the zone and even made my boring reading funny! This is the first time I tried using mj medically but so far I like what I see.

    Do you know how easy it would be to gave kids 2 brownies a day laced with just a pinch of some mids. Some would say "no way I don't want to drug my kids" but thanks to the drug companies few parents realize that with adderall they are giving their kids some hard and dangerous drugs and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to get high off it.

    Mj is gentle safe and natural and while dosage could be a bit tricky it really should be the first choice for treating ADD. The key is in getting the right buzz going, not "getting high."

    I'm about to pot some adderall so I can finally get shit done after being up all last night but in an enlightened world I should be able to drive down to the rite aid and pick up a months prescription of cannabis. May this be our reality sooner than later because it is a crime for the drug companies to push prescription speed on kids just to make the money they couldn't make off a plant. In an enlightened world they would be arrested for child abuse!

    But with groups like NORML we can make a difference. This is a great example of how NORML can save the world from the power and money hungry tyrants that try to put us down.

    But will we let them? NEVER! We stand up for our right to use the safest and overall healthiest substance provided to us by Nature herself.

    "Stand up for your rights! Don't give up the fight!" RIP BOB MARLEY
  2. In California it is legal for ADD.
  3. Legalise cannabis for all!
  4. some times disabileteys sound like a abilety when thers free weed it sounds like an abilety
  5. Are you serious? That would mean I could get a prescription if I lived there! If only I wasn't on the other side of the country I would seriously move.
    The other states should legalize it for ADD too. If it was like Vermont I'd move there right away. I love Vermont!
  6. #6 InnerPeace, Aug 19, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2008
    I used to have ADD. Until I imagined it away. Never felt better since. I'm a firm believer of study high get high scores. So I would recommend you smoke fat blunts while studying, I dunno works for me.
  7. Perhaps your doctors should see these.

    Marijuana and ADD Therapeutic uses of Medical Marijuana in the treatment of ADD

    Cannabis as a medical treatment for attention deficit disorder

    Cannabinoids effective in animal model of hyperactivity disorder

    Cannabis 'Scrips to Calm Kids?,2933,117541,00.html

    THC normalized impaired psychomotor performance and mood

    Moderate cannabis use has a positive effect on treatment for cocaine dependence in patients with comorbid ADHD and cocaine dependence

    Cannabis Improves Symptoms of ADHD

    In Canada, the doctors admit that most of their knowledge of cannabis as medicine comes from their PATIENTS! Our doctors think they are know-it-alls! Educate them!

    Granny :wave:

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