LEGALIZATION <<INITIATIVE>> filed in WA STATE for 2010 ballot

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by SeattleRes, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. Good news everyone - a legalization initiative has been filed in Washington state for inclusion on the ballot November 2010.

    Please everyone sign this initiative and pass the word along to all your friends. If we get this on the ballot THIS WILL SURELY PASS. Latest polls show 50+% of the public favor this in WA State. We just need the signatures to get this on the ballot - I think 70K.

    More details:

    Wash. activists file initiative to legalize pot» Standard-Times

    Wash. activists file initiative to legalize pot

    SEATTLE --- Five activists have filed a ballot initiative to legalize all adult marijuana possession in Washington state.
    Its sponsors include two Seattle lawyers as well as the director of Seattle's annual Hempfest. The group, calling itself Sensible Washington, says state government is wasting money on police, court and jail costs for people who use or produce marijuana.
    Douglas Hiatt, a lawyer who represents medical marijuana patients, told The Associated Press after filing the initiative Monday that it would remove all state penalties for adult possession of pot. Criminal penalties for juvenile possession and for providing the drug to juveniles would remain in place. Marijuana would also remain illegal under federal law.
    Hiatt says volunteers are lining up to collect the signatures needed to get the issue on the November ballot.
  2. How do I sign this? I want to get involved. You can bet your ass I'll be voting for it in Nov, but how can I help now?
  3. Not sure...look for a domain to come up with support info soon.

    That's my best guess.
  4. I have a large and happy smile on my face right now.

    To dekabos, reading around, the iniative must be approved by the Attorney General and Secretary of State before it's made public. They said a few weeks should be expected for this. I'm sure it will spread like wildfire once it's released for signage.
  5. Sensible Washington

    That's the official website for the campaign. Please donate, bookmark, and watch for updates.

    In order for this to pass there's going to need to be 241K signatures by early July, that's not a lot of time.

    People who have time please volunteer to have people sign the initiative.

    Especially in the suburbs, there won't be many people out getting signatures.

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