Legalization Could Save our Earth

Discussion in 'General' started by wowee123, Feb 17, 2010.

  1. If marijuana were to be legalized our world would become such a better place. Just think of it this way, when weed is legal the world would most likely start to look into hemp, where they can start using it as a replacement of wood and cheaper product (When mass produced) for textiles and fossil fuels. With this happening we would see almost no deforestation for paper and lumber corporations.

    Also just think of all the income legalization would bring, from taxes, prisons, law enforcement, etc..

    Now with all these tree's and a new hemp industry will push massive amount of new oxygen into our environment. The more oxygen the better our body and mind would function and life would flourish.

    As more and more people start to see the positive sides of marijuana, the more it would be tried by much of the public. I think this could help people to realize all what is important in life. When this happens it would most likely create a more peaceful society throughout the world.

    With no more wars, countries could finally start working towards fixing their own problems. Economies could be fixed all around the world creating a more healthy populatation. As our minds would be more enriched by the healthy environments, technology would increase at a tremendous level. Education levels would be on a very steep increase, as more stable economies can fund better education.

    Finally in the end we can have reached such a high level of civilization that no one alive today could describe. Though, I got to say that I am very baked and this may sound like a fictional future for us, even though I hope no one would not want this.:smoking::smoke::hippie:
  2. it would be nice
  3. I agree and I like Cannabis :hello:
  4. Pipe dreams. The majority of the human race doesn't seem to be interested in peace and well-being.
  5. Legalization of marijuana wouldn't stop wars lol. People will always find a reason to fight.

  6. Not at first but think of the long term effects, anything is possible.
  7. IMO legalization would be the start to a more peaceful place

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