Legalization Bit

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by sikander, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. This is inadvertently a plug for a candidate for Congress in Missouri, but he's a third party so I don't feel so bad:


  2. I wonder why he is saying he hasnt ever smoked pot (maybe hes better than us?)..... meanwhile hes running a big ole green NORML pot leaf ad..

    He didnt inhale or what?

    This ad makes him seem like a slickster scammer and he should rethink it.
  3. how can violent murderers and rapist be let free after three or four years but owning 100 lb of marijuana can result in 10 years to life with no parole. The drug laws are fucked up
  4. #4 sikander, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    A lot of people don't smoke marijuana but support legalization. Since stoners are a minority in this country we actually sort of have to depend on that support if we hope to get anywhere.

    EDIT: I guess just to be clear I don't really give so much of a damn about the candidate himself (I agree, he comes as being a little holier-than-thou with his "I've never inhaled!") but I thought it was a nice pic.
  5. Actually it's 100 kg, and since 1 kg is roughly 2.2 lbs it's for possession of 220 pounds.
  6. :confused_2::confused_2::mad::mad:

    It's comments like this that make many think that Nixon had a good point.

    No wonder this has been an uphill battle for a generation.
  7. This really does just piss me off so much...I went from just thinking why can't they legalize it to actually feeling angry and irate because of the ignorance of anti-legalization people and the Government when they fuck are they gonna learn....seriously.

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