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Legality question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jim t, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. I remember Reading here before some laws, they went
    It not against the law to
    - look like marijuana
    - taste like marijuana
    - smell like marijuana

    So my question is, could I not smoke the shit out of my apartment and if the cops get called let them search? Obviously I only keeP enough that I will smOke and I flush the roach.
  2. Depends on the area but as long as you're in the privacy of your home then not much they can do without a warrant.

    Just relax man, paranoia causes cancer. (not really)
  3. I never really understood why if you just smoked, high as hell, smelling dank but with no weed or other paraphanelia, that a cop can't bust you. But since that's apparently true, I'll be making my assumption off that logic and say if you also get rid of your smoking devices, then you should be fine.

  4. I only roll. And to the above poster I'm quite sober ATM. At work actually. Just wondered if I should keep doing what I do.

  5. You can still get busted if you are in public, only if the cop wants to be a dick, but most likely the charges would get dropped unless you give consent to a blood or urine test.
  6. No. You can't get busted without evidence. I could hypothetically walk into a police station, yell Ima graduated danked out hustla who just sold my last pound. Couldn't do shit.

    No weed. No money. No Bust.
  7. Well if you rent and the cops were called because of smell, your landlord could kick you out. Even if they didn't he would keep and eye on you if he wasn't lax with mj.
  8. You look and taste like marijuana? Thats sick man how do I get like that?

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