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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by pox, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. #1 pox, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2009
    Many people have been asking questions about this site, so I'd just like to set a few things straight. Note that I do not support, work for, or am in any way associated with If you think something should be added to the list, post it!

    1. What is

    It is an online "herbal smoke shop".

    2. Can I buy marijuana from

    No. The site does not sell marijuana. It sells other legal herbs.

    3. Is it actually legal?
    Yes. The herbs sold on legalbuds are actually legal (at least in the United States. They are legal in most other places as well. I recommend that you confirm the herbs are legal in your country, if you don't live in the US.)

    4. Do they actually get you high?
    Yes, to an extent. The herbs are intoxicating (and vary greatly from herb to herb), but they do not compare to actual marijuana. In other words, go for MJ if you have it.

    5. Cool! So I can be under 18 and buy stuff from here?

    No. They do not sell to minors... and get off grasscity.

    6. Are these herbs harmful?

    In moderation, they generally are not. If you're interested in smoking them frequently, I would read up on the particular herb you are using.

    7. If these herbs get you high, why haven't I heard of them before?

    They're all pretty obscure.

  2. +rep. This should be sticky since so many people ask about that site
  3. ditto to above posters statement
  4. Thank you all very much. :)
  5. To what extent do they get you high and for how long...does it compare at all to getting high off weed?

    ^ These are things you should address, unless you never used them then you can't really answer that I guess.
  6. +rep
    i had recently heard about this site, thank you for informing me about it
  7. Unfortunately, I haven't. This is just a mixture of things I've heard and information on their site.
  8. Bump for the questioning
  9. Cool ...thanks for posting this info.
    I sell this stuff to a few of my local friends who are unable to get it shipped to their residence

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

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