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Legal strains Vs. Illegal.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Nosphaer, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. So i'm aware of the couple illegal strains out there, but what is the difference between them and ones I'd get jailed for having? Be it THC content, Difficulty to grow/process, or appearance alone. I just wanted to know, thanks.
  2. some one correct me if im wrong...but im pretty sure legal bud is no where near close to actual bud. i heard it was like spices pressed together, and then painted.

    i dunno, ive never seen it, i just heard that on this site.
  3. Im pretty sure all strains are illegal in the US, unless your a patient
  4. If it contains any THC, its illegal. So basically, if its actually marijuana, then its illegal.
  5. #5 nestacle, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    Your post doesn't make a whole lot of sense. There are legal buds, which suck unless they have synthetic cannabinoids in them...

    And there are strains of cannabis...all of which are illegal unless you have a medical license...and then from there the same strains you get in a dispensary are still available to the general public. (If you got a hookup of course lol..or grow.)
  6. I see, thanks for the clarification, I thought the idea of that hawaiian stuff being legal and giving a serious high sounded silly. Thanks, as I only know the street's weed.

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