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LEGAL Marijuana grower wants to become a cop

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Parallelism, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. I had a quick question.

    If I registered myself as a LEGAL marijuana grower in the state of Oregon do you think it would hurt my background investigation check for applying to law enforcement?

    Even though everything is legal with the right paper work do you think they would see it as a reason NOT to hire me?

    Thoughts? Comments?
  2. Ummm...yeah. Considering police and corrections groups are all totally anti-cannabis (with the exception of LEAP of course) and the shitty economy, I'd say that would pretty well kill any chances you would have. They have their choice of candidates these days, no matter the industry.
  3. Yeah that's what I thought.

    I registered myself as a legal grower yesterday then I went in today and asked to be removed. My medical patient who I am growing for is going to go in tomorrow and drop me from his list. I just hope my name is not already tarnished. You think I'm already in the system despite the fact the lady who was handling the paper work said that I have to do a background check before it becomes official?

    Funny thing is, I have no tickets, no misdemeanors, felony's, nothing. 100% clean. I follow the law so I can grow legally then realize I was better off growing everything under the table...
  4. Definitely do not take the risk, I've had a few friends in the program and if you've more than smoked a joint or two in your life they essentially consider you a risk.

    Hate to say it but...I would recommend taking your picture down too...

    Background investigators man.
  5. If you are a LEGAL grower of marijuana, it would be ILLEGAL to not hire you because of it.
  6. Dunno oregan laws but that is absolutely not the case in CA. ANy employer can fire you over MJ in CA, medical or other wise .. that was the unfortunate ruling from the CA supreme court.

    As to the OP, you will probably never be a cop. Forget it. Once you chose the path of MJ grower, legal or otherwise, youre done. Your only hope would be stoping, covering it up, and hope you get through the back ground.

    The reason for this is pretty obvious... lawyers can do motions to get your personnel record opened...

    Obviously, the fact that a cop was a MJ grower is pretty much the lottery for any defense attorney.

    Maybe one day when its legal..
  7. Maybe you could try San Francisco or Oakland? Just a thought.

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