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Legal herbs

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mr.Puffpuffpass, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. I was just thinking about what your opinions are on these herbs. I have quit tobacco for a good 8 months or so (thanks to mary, :smoke:), and its actually pointless to use it to mix as well.

    Is there any harm in using them? Does it affect the taste, high etc ... ?
  2. why would you want to pay for something and harm your lungs with something that will give you absolutely no affect

    stick to herb, theres nothing better

  3. No one smokes it by itself here, and I believe it would be such a waste if it was weed by itself. Mixing it would make it last much longer and would also get you high. Thats my own opinion though.
  4. Are you refering to mixing the legal stuff with MJ?

    Is so, it only effects the actual taste. Many people starting out find it more pleasant and it conserves your MJ. This all of course depending on what your buying. Personally I use box of buds.
  5. idk about you guys, but i find mixing my weed with tobacco makes it easier for your lungs to "soak up" all the smoke. the fact that no smoke comes back out makes toking even stealthier:cool:
  6. You Aussies... I rarely mix weed with anything else. Some people smoke blunts but I'm not a fan. I guess you could use some as filler if you just want to inhale more smoke for no good reason, but honestly, just smoke weed. If you don't want to roll a whole joint up, just buy a bowl and smoke however much you want.

  7. Honestly, this is the most stupid Fucking thing I have EVER heard. There's ALWAYS smoke that comes back up. If not, you swallow the shit and it make you sick... Dumb fuck.
  8. Err actually if you hold the smoke in long enough, nothing will come back out. Everything will have condensed in your lungs. It's called "ghosting": Urban Dictionary: ghosting

  9. It's also called filling your lungs with tar. You will get around 95% of the hit's potential after 3-5 seconds of holding it. The last 5% isn't worth coating your lungs with shit. Smoking obviously isn't healthy to begin with. There is no need to pointlessly make it worse.
  10. Best legal herb = salvia.
  11. That is definitely true, although it is in no way a substitute for weed as the effects couldn't be more different. You, along with most people, probably know this already but I've heard a lot of people try to tell me salvia is like legal marijuana. Those people have clearly never tried it. So to the OP, don't go lacing your weed with salvia unless you are down for a wild ride.
  12. Aye.
    In my opinion, Salvia is like legal acid or shrooms :p
    I've never mixed it... but I can only imagine :eek:
  13. Oh I agree. I was just pointing it out 'cause the guy was abusing the other poster for saying you can exhale and have no smoke come out XD
  14. I'm really high and understanding this is pretty hard right now.

  15. Bro you need to CHILL THE FUCK. No need to be an arse and hate on people, if thats what he thinks and you don't like it just say so, he is simply expressing his opinion. And if you haven't learnt anything in life, you can't convince people that way, I am pretty sure you have not convinced him otherwise at all.

    And you are absolutely wrong, you can keep the smoke in your lungs for long enough that nothing comes out. Go and try it.

  16. I wouldn't mix it with my weed, that would fuck me up and I just want to get high. Plus, Salvia is illegal in Australia. I need to go to Canada and try that stuff sometime.

    I bet it doesn't have the same effect as acid since it only lasts less than 10 minutes, unless you take high doses thats gonna fuck up your time perception but nonetheless, nothing compared to an 8-16 hours trip. Salvia just gives you a complete mindfuck for 10 minutes. Acid makes you trip for so long you think its an eternity. No?

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