Legal Herbs (not legal bud)

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by ihavethajuice, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. Anyone have any experience with them? Are they safe and what not?
  2. lol, well which ones?
  3. Any smokeable legal herbs really.
  4. lol i would think they are safe
  5. Any specifics? Has anyone tried any that they like?
  6. Bouncing Bear Botanicals has a smoking blend. I know it has amnita muscara in it at least. Never tried it but it sounded kinda cool. Smoke it straight or mix it.
  7. That sounds interesting, has anyone tried this?
  8. I bought some Spice Gold from some british website, and it worked surprisingly well. I was stoned out of my mind for a good 3 hours.. it's a little expensive, but it's worth it.
  9. Just bought and tried kratom for the first time the other shouldn't smoke it though it won't do anything...people usually make some tea with it, which is what I did...

    I don't know what kind of high your lookin for but kratom gives you an interesting one....a combination between a stimulant and opiate feeling....if you can withstand the bitterness of the tea and drink it all then in about 20 minutes you start feeling mellowed out, which gradually increases as it kicks in...which then combined with a feeling of euphoria that put a smile on my face as i was watching tv and it wasnt even funny haha....then i got the urge to talk alot while still feeling slightly sedated...very interesting mix if you ask me! (and legal!)
  10. Does it come in a tea bag ready to be made? Is the taste like regular tea or worse?
  11. i bought kratom from this canadian company and on the package it recommends to either make tea or put it in a milkshake. I put it in a frosty and it made it edible but the bitterness is terrible. Can't imagine how bad the tea is since seeping a herb will release more flavor/bitterness. For reference, I love tea and the bitterness in a frosty was barely edible.
  12. The only legal smoking herb I've tried was wild dagga and it worked for me. I got a 1/4 oz for less than 10$ and haven't smoked it all yet. I read on the internet that you can make it into tea but this hasn't worked for me and seems pretty wasteful as it takes alot more than smoking. The smoke is awful and harsh. Bong made it easier but still unpleasant.
  13. It really depends on the specific herb, there are hundreds and hundreds of them. Some of them are safe, some of them are fun, some of them are boring, some of them are addictive, there's a whole host of factors that come into play, so it'd be better if you told us a few you were interested in.

    Kratom is meant to be quite interesting. It'z meant to be similar to a low dose of both crack and heroin (So quite intense in it's stimulant effects) but without the downsides. It's slightly physically addictive, but much less than most things so nothing to really worry about. It's also not a bad price.

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