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legal herb?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dankyshit08, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. i have to take randoms rite now in found out some of the legal herbs work some shit caled serenity now and stuff like spice gold but does any one kno where to buy it online thats legit?i find diff sites but no feedback from them
  2. no that is not the same stuff i wanna go with something i kno forsure works n thats serenity in spice
  3. Whoa!!!! There's such a thing as legal herb?
    I'm kinda new to the boards so I hadnnt heard.
    how exactly does legal herb work?
  4. its just a subsitute really if you have randoms like me n enjoy being high you buy this but some of it i heard is junk but the ones i metioned actually work although its not as good as the real deal in more pricey but just to get me by for now
  5. We have some fucked up legal herbs here in Romania.
    We have this thing called Ninja, you pay an equivalent of 7-8 dollars for 0.2 but you put that all in a joint and at least 6 people get really really high.(and pretty similar to the real deal) Quite toxic, i'm sure.
  6. I tried some of this stuff i picked up at a head shop:[​IMG]
    took 2 hits and i was gone.
    $30 for a g, $80 for 3gs, so if u've got a good job maybe its worth it to try.
  7. 95% of legal herbs are just crap thrown together and called legal herb
    the other 5% have JWH-018 which is a legal cannabinoid (legal in some places)
    the high is not the same but not all that bad.
    you can just buy JWH-018 by itself online and avoid the is this legal herb legit
  8. Dont go with spice it doesnt work too well...You can order the pure JWH-018 thats what i would go with since that stuff does work...mmm
  9. hmm i may just go with buying JWH-018 then thanks for mentioning this imma check it out
  10. looks legit but I have never tried check around ask around.
  11. I agree with dankyshit, just buy some JWH-018, its the synthetic cannabinoid in spice that gets you high, I'm doing a fair bit of research into buying it as I have to take random UA's for the next couple of months (parents found out about my smoking). Toke for toke, its cheaper than weed, although you have to get a milligram scale to measure it as it is some POTENT shit. PM me if you're interested in some websites that sell it.

    Happy Toking!
  12. Doesn't get you high. You get a headache and a bad taste.

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