Left or right handed?

Discussion in 'General' started by Nugagerube, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. yep, title.

  2. righty tighty
  3. Right. But im pretty sure im supposed to be left handed. Both my parents are. The only things i do right handed are write and play guitar. I cant write worth shit and guitar is somewhat awkward.

    Sent from my cerebrum.

  4. Ambidextrous...yeah.

    Sent from deeznutz using Grasscity forum app

  5. Left for the bong, Right to light
  6. So proud to be a lefty.

    I throw and shoot (basketball) righty, that's it. Oddly enough I frisbee lefty.
  7. righty  till i die!
  8. When can use leftys live in a lefty world!
  9. I am right handed but I fap and shoot guns with my left hand.
  10. #11 TimeIsMoney1, Aug 31, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2013
    (Y) damnit doesnt work here
  11. Righty, but I try to use my left hand to strengthen it.
  12. lefty but there are a lot of things i can do with my right hand. i can't write with my right hand but i can do most other things, including paint my nails and put mascara on lol which probably means jack shit to most people on here but the ladies know its not easy to do!
  13. Does using your right hand make you more purty? :)
  14. lol i just use my right hand for my right eye because if i don't my eyelashes end up all pointing toward the left. its a struggle 
  15. That would suck!

    Maybe you can stand that as a new fashion trend. Lady gaga may contact you!
  16. i write with  my right and jerk off with my left
    Fuck you you stole my line
  18. write left handed, throw footballs, bowling balls, baseballs left handed. anything with a stick or club im right handed
  19. Righty

    Amdextriius masterbster

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