
Discussion in 'General' started by LilWyte2590, Aug 16, 2006.

  1. well im out people.

    i dont seem to be aprreciated here anyways.

    getting judged,getting flamed,this city is cool and all,but its got a handful of dicks.

    im leavin the city for awhile at least.

    peace out.
  2. If you count me among them, don't assume I'm a dick because I dared to call you out; other people will, too, when they see your post. Of that I am sure. I say what I mean, and mean what I say.

    If you can't handle peoples' reactions, maybe you should think before you post?
  3. :smoking: r u the guy that smokes crack?:eek: :wave: Just ReLax man some chronic man

  4. ^ exactly what i was talkin about.
  5. no,i dont consider you a dick,and yeah your right,i cant justify stealin her pills.

    but you dont have to throw shit like that in my face,you think i dont ahve problems of my own to deal with?
  6. relax man im not calling u a crack head or anything just relax man smoke some bwols
  7. alright man...im fuckin sorry.

    its just alot shits bein goin on at home,gettin pissed off has become a every hour thing.its sickening.

    i have no weed.
  8. i feel u man
  9. Dude, just chill. There are some pretty tight people here, who'll always bitch about something. You cured your problem, thats everything that matters. Don't be a pussy let shit like this touch you, it isn't worth it.

    Gonna +rep you.

  10. Sugar, we all have problems; your toes would curl if you heard some of the things I have been through in my 27 years here on Earth. We all deal with them in different ways, and we all have a diffrent breaking point. Drug abuse is no substitute for professional help, though. By taking meds not prescribed for you, you are probably just exacerbating your problems...

    I don't consider myself to be a flamer, nor do I mean anyone any disrespect, but it does infuriate me when people inflict their suffering on others. There is always a better way than doping, lying or stealing to alleviate ones suffering. I have been at rock bottom, more times than I care to remember, so I do know this to be a fact.

    If I were you, I'd simply find a better doctor, and a good shrink. And avoid any drug other than the weed (even that may not be helping).
  11. music will help
  12. Dude, there are always assholes on forums, but a lot less of them here than anywhere else I know :D :gc_rocks:

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