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Leaving my bud outside

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TokeDemBudz, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. I had to stash my bud outside because I am worried about being caught.

    I live in Illinois and it is currently 28 F. I am sure its going to get colder later on in the evening.

    Wind is not an issue. It is in a medicine bottle (Not the air tight kind) inside a ziploc bag. Laying on the dirt under something, away from the snow.

    What will this do to my bud? Will it make it dry?
  2. I think that it should be alright, even though I have no experience with the matter.
  3. It will get really cold.
  4. ...OK thanks anyway.

    Anyone else have experience with this?
  5. I figured...:eek:.

    But what happens to the bud when it gets "really cold"?
  6. I know people who keep bud in their fridge to keep it fresh, apparently it's fine. I wouldn't worry about it, just make sure it's airtight and away from sunlight if you leave it outside during the daytime.

  7. exactly as this smart gentleman said! no damage aslong as its away from sun and moisture, it will actually preserve your bud:D and knock sum kief off it
  8. As long as dirt/bugs etc can't get in it and the wind cant move it away you'll be fine. But since it's that cold out it will probably freeze a bit so you may have to keep it out or in something non airtight for a few hours inside before it's good to smoke.
  9. I live in Illinois, i will sometimes forget some of my bud in my car and it does seem to dry it up a little bit. But mine is just in a bag.
  10. Alright thank you. Does it dry up a significant amount?
  11. not enough where i notice a difference while smoking. Should be fine
  12. Sweet thanks. +rep
  13. Just buy a baby food jar for $1.00 and wrap it in something no one will see. and keep it, inside?_?

  14. Thats silly, and not what he asked for. He's afraid of getting caught, I'm fairly sure having baby food jars lying around will raise some questions.

    As long as you keep it out of sunlight, and make sure it is air tight and no moisture can get in, your bud will be fine.
  15. Exactly.

    I had to put it out there just for the night so one certain person didn't stumble upon it.
  16. Hey I live in illinois too ;D.
  17. Nice.
  18. Actually it is a little known fact that the Abominable Snowman has a serious thing for dank bud. He smokes two-fisted spleefs. He's rumored to do 1 lb. bong hits:bongin:. So while hiding your stuff from someone inside, that scary dude outside in the snow might pose even bigger problems. FYI

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