leaves turning yellow.

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by benox, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Hello lads,

    I've had my plant growing for about 2 months or so now in my backyard. I give her a good dose of seasol every 3-4 weeks and trying to feed her with charlie carp every 2 weeks. I recently repotted the plant into a bigger one as the pot I had earlier was rootbound. I mixed cow manure, organic compost, and two different bags of mixed manure into the soil I used to fill the rest of the pot. I topped the plant about 3 weeks ago, and yesterday again topped it. What I noticed about a week ago, was the bottom leafs were turning nearly completely yellow for some odd reason. I let them go for a few days and they seemed to be just dying so I pulled them off. I still want to know what would be causing this. I took some pictures of them before I cut em. All the leafs above the bottom set are dark green and looking magnificent. Here are some pics:






    Any help would be appreciated.
  2. It's natural for MJ plants that are vegged for a longer period of time to shut down older growth since the plant has grown enough to compensate for the loss. If that makes any sense XD
  3. looks like a nitrogen deficiency, (but it could be another problem, like pH flux locking something or, or toxicity from something causing lock out) also bug problem, probable a caterpillar...
    whats ur waters pH at? what r u feeding, are u doing recommended dose? are u measuring tds/ppm?
  4. I've had a caterpillar infestation in my backyard and they've gone nuts on this plant in the past but ive started spraying pesticides to get rid of the bastards. I haven't tested ph or anything like that, this is my first outdoor grow, I really have no experience in growing dope prior to this. I'll try get my hands on a ph tester. What ph should the soil be at? I'm not measuring tds/ppm. I don't even know what that is. I'm feeding it charlie carp every 2 weeks. It's just liquid fertilizer. Charlie Carp Fertiliser : Australian manufacturer and marketer of CHARLIE CARP Products made from European Carp

    Is there anything in specific I should be feeding it? I'm from aus.

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