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Leaves turning yellow.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by wigger beater, Aug 24, 2007.

  1. First time growing, and some leaves are turning yellow. I assume this is a bad thing. What do I do? The plants are barely a foot high..
  2. We'd really need more info to properly diagnose it. How old is it, what type of soil, what type of ferts? Is the yellowing starting at the lower regions of the plant and working upward? You've probably got a nitrogen or possibly magnesium deficiency.
  3. It's just potting soil from Walmart. The plants are like 2 months old. And only the bottom leaves are yellow right now.
  4. Have you given them any nutrients at all?

    Yellowing lower leaves typically are a Nitrogen deficiency.
  5. pics man, pics!!!!!
  6. Agree, please post pics.

    What is your pH? Even if your plants have a deficiency in a certain nutrient that doesn't mean you are giving too little of it. If pH is whacked that will affect your plant's ability to uptake nutrients.

    So to correct any nute problem, first stop feeding and check the pH. If it is off then flush the soil, get the pH back into alignment, and only then re-introduce nutes.
  7. ^^^what he said!^^^
  8. ^^^ what he said start giving it more nitrogen ....use bat poop ....mad nitrogen in that shit
  9. just a question... where would i get bat poop?
  10. Sorry jeffro, that could be real bad advice. If it is a nitrogen defiency, that could either be because not enough nitrogen has been given, in which case your solution would work, but there is also a very common issue of nute lockout from pH imbalance.

    If the pH is out of whack then the plant cannot uptake nutrients properly -- so no matter how much N is in the soil the plant is not uptaking N. Adding more N won't help the plant to uptake, but it can burn the roots, so a double whammy.

    Always the first step to fixing a nute problem is to make sure pH is right.
  11. another possible problem that no one has mentioned is possible heat stress... if your leaves are curling up and turning yellow and generally drying out... its too hot for the plants

    here is a complete sick plant guide. BOOKMARK IT!
    good luck

  12. nah, he said bottom leaves are yellowing. if it was heat stress he would have said top leves brown and crispy. (i bookmarked your link though, thanx!)
  13. for real.
  14. Guys...Baron.... Its NOT heat stress....
    As toasty biz says it may be ph... ph effects the plants in many ways... you Must be aware where your ph is all the time, it only takes about a day of bad ph to really destroy a plant. check the ph flush as he said...then get some very friendly nutes like fox farm and go 1/4 stregth...make sure your not keeping them to wet...
    Toasty biz know his stuff guys..listen to him if you truly want help
    Gluck man

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