Yo having problems 3x6 room with 1000 watt HPS and air cooled Shade day temps 76 -79 40% Humidity Night temps 70 - 72 40% Humidity Growing WR 9 - 10 weeker and critical sensi star 8 - 9 weeker in 3 and 5 gallon smart pots with 1/4 mini rockwool Water 3 times per week fert 1 Using sensi 2 part, Big bud, and benies 1100 ppms Week 4 day 29 flower had hight ph 6.6 - 7.2 Got it down to 5.6 - 5-8 last week I ran out of Sinsi two part an the plants from all the flushing need food. So I used 2 tsp Cal mag grow by Advaced and 2 tsp Big bud.... on 5 out of 8 plants. I got up this morning and the leaves are all pointing upward even on 1 of the 2 that didn't get food. No out problems! Should I be concerned?
your communication is spotty at best but if your only problem is that the leaves are pointing upwards then i think you will be fine. go get the ferts u need to feed your plant right and correct the ph issues.