leaves folding longways...help!!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by KushKing00, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. On one of my girls, some of her fan leaves are starting to fold down longways from where the finger leaves meet to the tip of each leaf. Their not folding upwards which would make me think Mg. but it almost looks like it's wilting. Not all the leaves are doing this just a couple around the plant. I wanna try and correct this before it spreads to other leaves...At first I thought it was a Mg. problem and used some Epsom Salt but it hasent helped. Another one of my girls DID have a Mg. problem but her leaves folded UP and the Epsom salt fixed it.

    I'm on day 21 of flower.

    Any ideas?
  2. leaves will naturally become lacking in vitality the longer into flowering you are.

  3. so you think this is normal and I shouldn't worry? Rest of the plant looks great! no nute burn, and lots of hairs popping up. Growing fine, no stunting. like I said this is day 21 so almost half way done :)
  4. Is the effected leaf close to a light or other heat source? Heat can make them fold up like that.
  5. I had same problem recently. It might be too much N. I laid off nutes and used rain water and affected leaves were back 90% in a few days.
  6. Well I had some drooping goin on and I allways thought it was like an overwatering or something. But for a few feedings it never really changed, mabey they would be fine after lights out but I want em fine all the time. So the problem continued untill one morning, with my watering I put extra big bloom and, even though it was in flower, I put some veg nutes in the mix. Sure enough I go to check and there was a huge difference from then on. I havnt had any doubts from then that it helped. Hopes this sounds familiar to ya! Like you I thought mabey a mg/cal problem but, like you, I did epsom salt and all that but it didn't really do anything.

  7. I really doubt it's from too much N as their on flowering nutes and barely getting any N. using 2-7-7 for them...

    If anything I'd think it could be a lack of N.
  8. #8 KushKing00, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    I'm thinking it may be a lack of N as I've herd before it's a good idea to hit them with a little veg nutes to boost their N about half way through flowering. Anyone think this will hurt it? Like I said it's doing great other then the few leaves. Their not folding upwards their folding downwards. Their not dry or crunchy either.

  9. leaves are folding down along the main vein of each finger leaf. No folding up, which would make me think Mg.

    think it could still be heat?
  10. Combo, not enough light and too much N available. Have a pic?
  11. How could it be getting too much N when their is barely any in their flowering nutes? And this plant is recieveing 165w of 2700k CFLs all to itself....
  12. Bump!!!

    What can I do to fix this? If for some weird reason it is getting too much N, which I highly doubt, should I skip this weeks feed and see if that helps?
    They get fed and watered once a week about 3-4 days apart.
    Lights on for 12/12 and this is day 21
    For sure females.
    Schwartz 2-7-7 for nutes.
  13. bump!

  14. #14 KushKing00, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    anyone have any ideas? only bugging everyone because feeding day is coming up here shortly and I'd like to know if I should hold off from feeding her, feed her some veg nutes, add anything to regular feed? Also wondering if this could be a heat issue and if I should raise the lights to see if that helps, but at the same time don't want to really experiment and deprive her if that's not it.

    Like I said this is day 21 of flower. Feeding schwartz 2-7-7 once a week. And watering once a week.

    165w (true watt) 2700k CFL's. Lights are about 2-3 inches away. Temps are in the upper 80's.

    Tried feeding episom salt with no effects.

    Was only 1 leaf doing this but now it's 3. All the others look fine.

    The 3 are droopy and not flat. The side of the blades are sagging down and almost currling.

    Plant is still growing fine.

    I don't have a pH tester at the moment but the other one gets fed the same water and is doing excellent!

    This one is the bigger of the 2 so I'd HATE to loose it. Does this problem seem "life threatining? I'm about 40 days away from harvest...

    Thanks everyone!! sorry to bug lol
  15. leaves drooping down can be from overwatering or fert burn (but only if tips are crispy). try giving her a well balanced nutrient feed with some molasses but maybe half strength . don't think it has anything to do with nitrogen? although a little won't hurt. 3 leaves not to worry ,but good keepin an eye out kushking00

  16. yea she's already been getting molasses just about every water and feed. She getting her nutes at about half strength right now. It's not so much the drooping I'm worried about but more so the curriling of the blades on the leafs.
  17. no pics at the moment as their in lights off, and I work again all day tomarrow so I won't get any then either =/
  18. If it were lack of N leaves would turn yellow. My suggestion remains the same.
  19. need more info/pics to be able to figure it out

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