Leaves curling extremely bad. NEED HELP

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Bobmarleyo21, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. The newer leaves on my plants are really curling under and I don't know what to do. I think it might be caused from cold temps but i'm not sure. Lights on the temp is between 60-65 F. Lights off temp unknown but definitely colder. They are a couple weeks into flowering too. It mostly happening to my 3 strawberry cough plants, the 2 super silver haze plants aren't being affected that bad but some of the leaves are still drooping.
    Any other information can be found in this link:http://forum.grasscity.com/indoor-grow-journals/507543-12-plants-strawberry-cough-ssh-pics.html

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  2. more pictures:

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  3. possibly its the cold. 65 should be your plants night time temp. try to keep them 70-75 if possible. if you think its nutes, then google nute deficiencies.

  4. I don't think its nutes, and I don't know how i'm going to increase the temp, I can't plug anything else into the socket or the fuse will blow. I put my ballast inside the tent and that is helping increase the temp.
    I have one fan the is blowing air into the tent (cold air though), then one fan sucking air out of the tent and outside, and one inside the tent circulating air.
    The problem might the fan the is blowing air outside is connected to ducting tube so cold air can come through the hole at night when the fan is off.
  5. Looks like a finniky sativa and a nitrogen overdose. That happens more with sativas. They are very sensitive.

  6. really u think it might be a nitrogen overdose?:confused: wonder how that could have happened
  7. Well the thing about hardcore sativas is that they are really sensitive to nutrients. So if you give them a good amount of grow nutrients (bloom being for flowering) then they will curl quite easily. Give it a good flush of water. About 3x the volume of your container with water should help. If you're using Miracle Grow that will make it worse however. If you are using Miracle Grow, don't water until you absolutely need to and water it real good. Hope this helps.

    Edit: you're using FFOF and that has a good abundance of earthworm castings and other organic goodies. So if you're giving them extra nutes, lay off and let the soil do its job because it doesn't need any more nutrients. But the thing about the hardcore sativas is still true.

  8. U think it is the nutes doing it? It in FFOF soil, and I'm using Tiger Bloom started at 1/4th strength and Open sesame started at 1/4th strength every other watering. There are no signs of nute burn on the plants.
    Would a flush actually help these new developing leaves?
  9. Have you noticed the stems getting more purple since the colder weather? I would say it is climate. You mention possible cold air coming in the intake and perhaps that is what is causing this. I would probably cut the intake and just use the exhaust. That would stop the cold and raise the temp. You can also use rock or brick around the pot to hold more heat for overnight. Just don't panic

  10. Yes my stems are VERY purple, I forgot to mention that. The blue font is exactly what I was thinking when I wrote this thread but I'm not 100% cuz I don't have any proof.
    I am going to check the temp at midnight tonight when the lights are off.
  11. Hmmm. That is a toughie actually. You can somehow have a space heater run while your lights are off in the room to make it a little warmer. Don't blow the heater on the plants, rather in the room in a corner or something.
  12. wait, I run lights and fans on a 24 hr time. never turn em off. should i turn off the fan occasionally or will my leaves curl like his? btw im still in veg growth.
  13. It all depends if you have cold weather at night coming into your grow room. If your grow room generally stays warm throughout the day and night even with the fans on, then you don't have to worry.

    But note this: plants don't need co2 (outside air) at night because their stomata (their pores that they absorb co2 with to photosynthesize) are closed. You can turn off your fans the same time the lights go off and save money with your electricity use because there is no use running the fans when the lights are off.

  14. The temp is 65 F when lights are on and 60 F when lights are off:(
    I tried running a small heater but it was drawing to much energy with all the other stuff I have going at the same time, so it didn't work.
  15. Where is this room located? And why are the general temps so low?

  16. my storage room, its kinda like a basement, it's under my house
  17. Hey dude i had the same problem with my plant which is sativa dominant.

    The chances of it being nutrient burn is unlikely... however i would do a flush just to be on the safe side.

    I had the same type of curling on my plant, the reason why its folding like a banana boat is because the plant is getting too cold. so it will try to shield itself, resulting in banana-boat leaves.

    I went to walmart and picked up a small electric heater and that solved my problem.

    Keeping the temps On the low 70's during night out, will help your girl out from being cold.

    ...Im sure you can tap into another circuit inside the house, use an extention if you cant reach.

    I hope this helps...
  18. Check out my grow. I have a similar looking plant. I totally agree with yungmoolababy. My plant that looks like this is just a finiky plant. Every other plant in my garden is getting the exact same thing. Exact same nutes, exact same temps, exact same RH... same everything, but it wants to look all crappy like that. And its usually Sativa dominant strains that do this, which mine is too.

    Do a flush as suggested and start back with light nutrients. Give it about a week to see if you notice improvements.

    I can tell you right now that it has absolutely nothing to do with the temperature. The purpleing on your stem has everything to do with the cold temperatures, but not what your leaves are doing. Your leaves are reacting to over-fertilization. You obviously have a picky plant. So your going to have to get your nute strength perfect in order for this one to pull through. If not, just leave it like that. It wont die... it will just look like its about to die.
  19. My plant like this one, was at a constant 75+ degrees, except for at night. So if higher temperature fixed his, then I'd give it a shot, but thats not the issue with mine.
  20. thanks for the new tips guys, last nite I unplugged my venting fan(the one that sucks air out of the tent) I just checked the temp of my tent and it up to 68 F.
    Current amounts of nutes are 1 tsp of tiger bloom and 1/4 tsp of open sesame, seems like a low amount of nutes already

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