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leaves browning at tips and small yellow please

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by stonehenge919, Aug 12, 2007.

  1. on the tops of my plant the new growths on some leaves are beginning to turn brown on the tips. The new leaves are still young and light green and the tips are starting to brown on this bad? what do i do to stop this? Also on some of the bigger leaves there are some tiny yellow spots....not in clusters there will be one here and there and i was wondering if this is bad? Maybe i should spritz them with water once a day?
  2. hi there! :wave: i have the exsact same problem on some of my kids! can i ask how old they where when you first noticed this problem? also are you raising them in soil or another manner. Also have you ever sufferd from mites! just trying to water down the possibilitys. cheers mate!
  3. should go to sick plant forum bud,get these problems sorted asap there:)

    brown tips of leaves usually mean nute burn.(almost a rustic red colour)

    are you feeding them with nutes & are they in flower(12/12 light cycle) or in veg & if so what stage/week.

    if feeding them what are you feeding them & what amounts are you putting in & how often?
  4. tip burn is the result of your ppm being a little too high. back off a couple hundred and it should be fine. the small yellow spots could be the beginning of thrips. look at the back of the leaves with a magnifying glass. they're tiny little fuggers.

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