Help!! 2 week old plant with yellow leaves? What could be wrong? Light too close? No nutrients? Over watering? What could it be? Thanks in advance. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It looks decently healthy. What soil are you using? What lighting? Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk
From the label, looks like soilless medium without nutrients. Never used it but my assumption is you would feed it similar to coco coir. Phed water at 6, calmag, and hydro nutrients. Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk
Looks like a soiless peat mix like I have. Your plant looks lacking in N and Mg. I'd feed it nutrients now if you are planning to start and make sure to supplement with calmag. As for overwatering. Wait until it dries out completely and kind of weigh it with your hands. Water it until it's saturated and weigh it again. You'll quickly get a feel of when it needs water
I haven't started feeding yet as the medium says it has enough nutrients for 3 weeks. My water is at PH 6.4 don't know how to higher/lower PH levels. I need a little info on what nutrients to buy. I'm new to all of this. Cheers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It has coco coir mixed in with it. Do you have a link for the correct calmag and hydro nutrients? Cheers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What is N & Mg? What does supplement with calmag mean? As for the watering, that's exactly what I've been doing. Waiting for it to dry out, until the pot feels really light, and then watering again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
OK well you can read threw this link, will give you a general idea. There's a lot of different nutrients you can buy and use. In coco you can't just water and expect it to grow. I don't have a specific recommendation for you as I am currently doing my first grow in coco myself. Hope the link helps you. But you can ask further questions if needed. How to Grow Cannabis with Coco Coir (plus mini-tutorial on hydrating coco coir bricks) | Grow Weed Easy Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk
If you don't even know what N, Mg, and calmag is then you might want to consider doing some research.