Leaves are deteriorating

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Chong2u, Oct 18, 2023.

  1. After growing for several years, this is new to me.

    I have four Auto flower red hot cookies. All are grown in the same soil. I recently introduced blackstrap molasses at one tablespoon per gallon and dose the plants one time.

    Any thoughts as to why my leaves are doing this are greatly appreciated. 20231017_141222.jpg 20231017_141150.jpg 20231017_141137.jpg 20231017_141124.jpg 20231017_135425.jpg 20231017_135429.jpg 20231017_135832.jpg 20231017_135854.jpg
  2. did you consider the existing level of nute in the soil before adding the molasses?

    check with a tds reader for the amount of ppm per your plant size

    GWE Cannabis Nutrient Burn

    good luck
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  3. Thank you for sharing the link and your thoughts.
  4. pic of whole plant please
  5. 20231018_154105.jpg
  6. purple stems and light leaves the exact problem i have with mine i think it is from too much nitrogen i may have gave too much fish poo i think it is a PH problem the plant is eating itself from the looks of it try and get a runoff reading ppm and ph

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  8. I only introduced blackstrap molasses at one tablespoon per gallon and fed one time with that. Do you think that might have given my plant too much nitrogen? Otherwise everything I do for nitrogen is worm castings.
  9. no the molasses would make zero difference it does not work that way it only feeds the soil not the plant
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  10. I thought the Molasses would add nitrogen to the soil.
  11. #11 Laucass83, Oct 24, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2023
    I would rule out one thing for your plant, in fact same to sosogrow; No excess Nitrogen here. Excess N would show in dark green leaves, clawing (tips curling down), nute burns on leaf tips. Chong, symptoms you have including leaf tips changing colour, suggest K (potassium) deficiency.
    Path to explore would be, is your soil recycled? how old? Store bought soil ppm and pH can also vary from batches. Light too close could also make top leaves overwork with high photosynthesis, and sometimes part of the plant can show deficiencies despite enough is available, can also create stress and cause red stems on upper part of the plant (so raise or dim your light). Overwatering can make symptoms look worst. Colder temps can also make nutrient unavalable. And some phenotypes are just picky and hard to please.

    Grow Weed Easy is an amazing site, I must have red the whole site 2-3 times. But this one, by Jorge Cervantes, is also of great help has you can compare each symptoms at the same look. Lots of copy of this page are around but this is the original.
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  12. By adding molasses you are feeding your microbes in your soil. A healthy microbial and fungal soil will make nutrients available faster, this goes for N-P-K but I don't think it does for trace elements.
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