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Learning curve

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by LaceMyBudwithTHC, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. #1 LaceMyBudwithTHC, Jan 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2015
    First off, I have been smoking for two years, and daily for about 6 months. I know in the big scheme of things this isn't a long time, but I feel like I've had a huge learning curve, along with my friend. We have tons of experience and I feel like for the most part we bypassed a lot of the noobish smoking habits.
    I've heard of people who are daily smokers and barely even inhale correctly, or know anything about weed. Me and my bud pretty much only buy ounces at a time too.. So, what were your learning curves like? How long did your learning curve take to get from noob to experienced?
  2. #2 Chacal, Jan 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2015
    I wouldn't call myself experienced in any way, but it probably took me about 2-3 months to at least know what I was doing, since I was only smoking every other weekend or so with friends. For about a month, I couldn't even light a lighter. I probably didn't properly inhale the first one or two times smoking. 
    Other stuff I learned from friends, like how to make a bowl out of an apple, what good prices were for my area. 
    Smoking by myself I learned a lot about how my body takes weed. I learned from 10 bong hits, a box of bagel bites, and a steak, to not overeat when you get really high (I was sick all night). I also learned how to judge how high I am, and when I need to stop, or when I can stop.
    Learning about weed itself was probably just research done online (i.e. how THC chemically reacts with your brain, the reasons why for a lot of stuff).
    But hey, you don't know what you don't know. You don't realize what you were doing wrong/how stupid you were until you're more knowledgeable/experienced.
  3. #3 BloodBooger, Jan 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2015
    We never used the term "noob" or "newbie" were either "cool" meaning you toked or " not cool" meaning you didn't regardless of your experience...and all this concern about etiquette and rules created by this generation of stoners frankly appears a bit girlish and silly. One, back in the day might be accused of "Bogarting" the joint, meaning you were either greedy or stupified and forgetfull and didn't pass the doobie in a timely manner...but this weird obsession with "cornering bowls" and other strange must-do's in todays world of readily available pot just appears strange to us older tokers. We shared our weed not only willingly but didn't think to create an acceptable and universal code of conduct regarding getting high...especially with friends...and even less so with new friends or strangers who would all be new friends after smoking the pipe together.....not trying to be negative here, just letting you into the stoner world that came before you. Our feeilngs about the stoner culture was infinitely less structured and at ease...we would have considered todays stoner youths very anal retentive and unfriendly if todays strange restrictions and behaviors were attempted to be implemented into one of our smoking sessions. Take it easy man.....its just weed....its meant to ease ones mind from the daily restrictions and life's rules instead of just creating more.....relax....have a smoke and if you want the full bowl, say so and have long as you refill need for ill conceived etiquette however well intentioned. Peace...from 1971.
    This. Yes, some things people new to smoking do can be annoying, but you have to be a little understanding. We were all "new" at one point, and I'm grateful for all the people who were understanding when I first starting smoking. Whenever someone new starts smoking with me, I always try and remember that there was a point in my smoking life when I was probably just like them. 
    I'm grateful for my friends who didn't just tell me I was doing something wrong, but helped me. 
  5. Took me around a year or so. Was mostly smoking shit and really only cared about getting high and being cheap. Quarters were $25 and me and my friends could smoke all day and we'd still have a few days worth of seshs'. 
    I'm still learning when it comes to wax and oils though.
  6. Learn the curvature of greed. Then factor in your personal habits. Time tells the rest
  7. My point is, that other than greed, there are no real rules about smoking behavior...just common sense. Toke up someones weed all the time without kicking in and you become greedy.....someone laugh at your joint rolling abilities, fuck em...hardly anybody rolls a good J and those that do are AWESOME....but those that cant are LEGION...but the point I am trying to make is dont create so many many many norms that MUST be adhered to or suffer ridicule....screw that..that goes against EVERYTHING we, the oldest stoners alive today believed in...and I'm hard pressed to believe all that good will and self determination with compassion and care was made friendships, relationships and lifelong buddies....not some adherence to artificial rules set up to bum you out if you forget something or are just short on the day.....ours was a relaxed, inclusive, non restrictive open culture...try it and I am sure you will like it.
  8. I see people all the time not inhale hits right and hold the blunt or joint too long. I'm pretty experienced as far as the time I've been smoking goes, I've gone from daily smoking to quitting back to daily and to weekends ect. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on most of weeds good and bad effects and I'm wondering also why some people refuse to believe there's any negetive effects to smoking daily or more
  9. Well put, I feel you I'm just saying In some ways I feel like it is important to not just learn "smoking etiquette" but the real values and realities if smoking.
  10. Took me about 3 summers to dial it in.

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  11. About a year after I got high for the first time I would say I was the fully fledged stoner that I am today! 
     Like the 'Bro Code' I find that all of the smoking etiquettes to be more of an underlying inside link that is a starting point for all stoners.  That way no matter where or who you are smoking up with it is the same and it's just easier.  I've never seen anyone be uptight or anal retentive about the conduct because most people I know don't live religiously by it, it's just a background guideline and I find it kind of cool like having a secret handshake or inside joke but that all stoners are aware of and can choose to follow or not. 
  12. #12 BloodBooger, Jan 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2015
    Yeah, it would be cool IF the bit about "choosing to follow or not" were the standard.....but all one has to do is take a look at most of the postings on this site and others to see that these "rules of conduct" are either expected to be adhered to or else ridicule is headed your way . I realize that in some sort of tribal way these rules can of provide a kind of common social adhesion that makes one feel part of a group...a member if you wish of the "stoner club" ...but the rule hating hippie in me balks at conformity still. The "old tribe" managed quite well without so many well defined lines of demarcation and etiquette. Some old habits are hard to kill.
    Anyone who takes the conduct too seriously isn't a true stoner in my books. People who ridicule others for any reason related to not following conduct are the ones who never get invited back to sessions lol.  Everyone I know sees things like rollers rights or other etiquette as part of the fun and you follow it if you feel like it because either way no one cares as long as they get high and have a good time  :hello:
  14. Man, I used I have the homies in the original crew roll everything and being the youngest I was always finding about new tricks to the trade. So in that light I wasn't left out in the dark about stoner edict, how to deal with the police etc.

    Yet since they were always bringing new things to the table and rolling I was slow to get my own collection and connections.

    Took me about two years before I took the time learn to roll a proper joint and even longer to buy my first piece.
  15. #15 Sporting Woody, Jan 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2015
    In my circle of friends, "the rules" are more of guidelines than strict rules. Cornering a bowl is a common courtesy. No one likes hitting the ass end of a bowl and everyone enjoys a green hit.

    I'm not a particularly young smoker (I'm 27) but all this "back in my day" talk made me feel like I had to chime in. I've never seen anyone get truly ridiculed for breaking smoking etiquette. Worst thing that happens is someone says "party foul" and everyone has a little laugh, including the offender. You absolutely should speak up if someone torches every bowl if they get the first hit if there's more than a couple of people smoking. Or if someone is telling their life story with the blunt in their hand. It's not meant to make fun of the person, we just do it to keep the group as a whole happy and smoking.
  16. The hardest thing for me starting out was learning how to light a bowl without burning my fingers and damn It took me a pretty good amount of time to master the technique.
  17. It really bugs me when people take a puff off a blunt or their pipe and immediately blow it out. Hold that shit!

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