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Leaned over and curled leaf seedlings

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Ninjostar, May 3, 2023.

  1. Just wondering if this is ok? I have a epapillon 630 watt led that is about a foot away from canopy. Growing in mother earth groundswell soil

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  2. I like to have a light breeze just over the tops of them, it creates a small vibration effect that will strengthen their stems. I only did a quick search but couldnt find the owners manual but I would follow their recommendations for height and light strength. (really lowest level for first two weeks or so).

    Careful not to overwater.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. That light is overkill for this stage. You want a small light, like a 5000K samsung strip; just a 2' strip running ~60W.
    You need to get a lux meter (like Dr. Lux) and set the light to 20,000 lux at the canopy.
    The soil you are using (?) looks too wet.
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  4. too much light
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  5. Ok. I'll turn it down and see how that goes.. I just thought you couldn't have too much light as long as it's not so hot that it's burning them then it's OK. It's near impossible to find any info on the light it's some small hi end company in Holland it goes by a diff name but they have no info on their past models appearnantly.. thx for the quick responses.
  6. BTW they are auto flowers on 24 hrs light
  7. After blasting them imo id switch to 20/4 or 18/6 let them rest where they can get their shit together.
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  8. they stretched a bit much you are in trouble before you even got started do you have more seeds? i would start over if it were me
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. I disagree with starting over, but agree with the too much light and over watering.

    LEDs are stronger than other lights, and those pots per plant size are too big to completely water.

    I will agree they stretched too much I'd assume you started your light away then moved it closer? If not then all the issue is overwatering.

    Plants dont need much to get started, small amounts of water and light, why I don't see how they stretched with 630 watts a foot away.

    Personally I start seeds under 120 watts in a closet, 150 watts in a 3x3 or 180 watts in a 4x4, for example and reference
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  10. I do got a few seeds a couple didn't germ so... besides that I just paidvlike $250 for 5 seeds of four dif strains... so for me i feel to throw them away is not the best idea. I started with the light further away yes but almost immediately within a day or two I pulled it closer and then again closer another day or two later.. I've had them under just just 1 or 2 light bars out of the 6.. l also haven't ever had the lights power up all the way up at most I think it was at 75% but then I turned it down to 50% like 2or3 days after that then I just turn it down to 25% and raised a couple inches when you guys let me know that I was having too much light on them it's been like that since.. as for watering I water them just until a tiny bit of water dribbles out the bottom and then I let it dry out till it's pretty dry like till the soil is like not sure what the term is if there is one, but the best way I can describe it is it kind forms a cake and pulls a little bit away from the wall... 1 L of water was just enough to get them all watered.
    Also my room is pretty dry the humidity is only at 30% 40% at most, so I just now today put them under a humidity Dome don't know if that's okay or not but idk it seemed to dry. Also i got them on 20 hours of light 4 hours of Darkness starting last night.

    You say they are stretching?? What do you mean? is that bad?
    I posted some updated pictures of them they seem to be doing better I think
  11. Sorry I was having trouble getting the pictures to load and didn't know how to delete messages

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  12. Looking quite a bit better. Nice job
  13. I 2nd @GroBuddy - 10 out of 10 for triage and recovery. Ditch the cover anytime.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. #14 Ninjostar, May 11, 2023
    Last edited: May 12, 2023
    Ran into issues again.. idk what happened Cuz they were lookin good. The light is 13 incheRan into issues again.. idk what happened Cuz they were lookin good. The light is 13 inches away took off dome and it seemed to hasten whatevers going on. Also its around 85 degrees f twith 80% or so humidity..

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  15. dude - stop fucking up! What the hell

    jk jk. Just keep learning and growing. Doing less is usually doing right!

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