League of legends players?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by jitler, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. I have Warwick, Master Yi, Malphite, and Dr. Mundo. So far I like Warwick and Mundo the best. I'm thinking about unlocking Garren next because they dropped the price to 1350 IP.
  2. get him, he's def fun. if you build him right, he's unkillable.
  3. Hah I just started playing because I had nothing to do high at home. So add me idnky
  4. I changed my mind. :p Decided I'm going to get Amumu first.

  5. woooooooot amumu!
  6. amumu is op
  7. lol that guy is boring and hard to play for new people
  8. I had to sign up for a new account.
    Just realized that my summoner name and login name were the same. >_< Stoner mistake. =P
    Add Green420Pakalolo (couldn't think of anything else. lol)
  9. Yah I play some LoL, its ridiculous how a 5v5 can go. Gettin people to work together is really what makes one team more OP than another, almost regardless whether or not they set their team up well. Lately I've been using Annie, I pretty much only play what Im decent with so there are quite a few I havent tried.
  10. next person im gunna buy: talon.
  11. I unlocked Akali last night. Been practicing on bot games, and so far I'm loving her.
  12. anyone playing?
  13. Did some dominion beta, that game goes crazy fast. Its non-stop action. Finally got all t3 runes, like 112+ wins so far.
  14. I should have 700 wins tomorrow, just went 12 1 and 3 as Veigar :)
  15. dominion <3
  16. yussss
  17. I agree that dominion is super fun, but I can't believe the idiocy some ppl exhibit in that game mode. at least once a game someone on my team will spawn as our mid tower is being taken and run completely away from it. im always like OMGWTFBBQIOWDFS are you blind!?

    aside from that I love it, and Xin absolutely destroys it so that makes me happy
  18. Dominion is very fun, but there are some people who don't know what they are doing so it can be quite frustrating. But overall, it seems like all the time they took paid off, they did a great job. Cant believe im praising Riot Games lol :smoking:
  19. I dunno why riot gets so much hate....at least they're trying to innovate unlike all the other MOBA developers. I mean DOTA2 is like literally DOTA1 with a graphics update ffs.

    dominion is a totally new and different type of MOBA game mode so riot gets huge props for that in my book.
  20. I agree 100%. Just wait until the week comes when they can't run the dominion servers for more than an hour.

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