Anyone know what’s up the light is about 14 inches from my plant I have a fan running so I don’t think heat is the problem is it getting too much light ? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
what are your temps rh and ph readings upcurling leaf tacoing is a form of heat stress but also ph can cause this and so can rh
Probably is heat stress. 14" still seems pretty close for that stage. Even with a fan blowing, plants can still stress out over LED lights being too close. Pics in natural light would better help. Can't really tell what's going on with those pink LED blaring down on the leaves.
My ph is at a whopping 6.8 almost 7 gonna try to lower that maybe it will help don’t know temp but it’s prolly around room temperature here’s some better pictures Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Posted some better pics under the cfls I used in their seedling stage I also moved the light about 3 inches up almost 4 so 18 inches now which is what it said on the box will support vegetative growth one thing I didn’t mention is that I recently transplanted them out of cups could that have stressed my plants out and caused this? Oh and this problem is only happening on one plant the other is growing and looking normal Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Posted some better pics and I don’t really know what the temp is using my hand I’d say a little below room temp if not room temp Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I've never dealt with this so take it with a grain of salt, but make sure there are no Russet Mites or Broad Mites anywhere How to Get Rid of Broad Mites or Russet Mites on Cannabis | Grow Weed Easy I highly recommend getting a digital thermometer, they cost like $10 for one that will monitor temp and RH with high/low records. It will help troubleshooting tremendously I circled what looks like an egg
Much better pics. Thanks for that. I stand by the heat stress for this plant though. You moved the light up, so that should help. The top-most leaves have some slight over-watering signs. Not sure what your watering practices were before you transplanted out of the solo cups. How often and how much did you water her before the transplant and now? The transplant stresses out any plant slightly, but they recover from that quickly.
Yeah idk lol, super hard to tell without being there in person. Looks pretty big, but I have no idea what size the eggs actually are I was just scrolling through Plant Doctor - Diagnose Your Plants! | Grow Weed Easy and looking for the closest matches lol
i hope for your sake it isnt broads i had them last year it was a tough battle and i never won the war but i won the battle in the end
Looks like a thripe egg being that color lol. Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Yeah I made the beginner mistake of overwatering but now I only water every couple of days maybe 4-6 Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum