So i am a first time grower ill start with that so please bare with me. I have 4 plants from seeds i found in a bag i cought. So i dont know the strain. They have been in flower for 2 weeks. And a few of the plants have un happy droopy leaves. Some droop some curl in. And some are getting a darjer color on them . i am currently using fox farm tiger bloom. And i have watering them less and that didnt help. Idk if its a nitrogen deficiency or if cal mag would help? I havent used it before but i hear they need it. Sorry if this isnt enough info. Hooing someone can help me out peace and love ✌ ❤
Nitrogen excess/toxicity, clawing leaves & dark green. You dont mention your feeding strengths, but your possibly looking at some lockout caused by salt build up leading to your other symptoms on your plant. Flush 3 X the volume of your pots and start feeding more P & K. Good luck...
When these leaves started turning did it start from the bottom of the plant where the old leaves are? Are you giving her nute S? If so, how much? Its easy to overdo nutes. She could probably use some cal mag cannabis plants love it.
Also Im not totally sure on this but I believe iron deficiency cause the leaves to lose color due to lack of chrlophyll
Interesting. And since it happened they are getting juat water. But yes it did start from the bottom leaves
What about some good micronutrients may help break your pot.and phos. Out Sent from my SM-S727VL using Grasscity Forum mobile app