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Law of Attraction and feelings so strong tears come?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by TheRealCesarG, May 16, 2018.

  1. #1 TheRealCesarG, May 16, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2018
  2. Umm, no the manifestation happens exclusively from the endless hard work. The "feelings" can motivate the hard work. The feelings can help focus the hard work so you are doing something productive rather than working hard at something that won't further your goal. But be careful because too much focus on the feelings can cloud your judgement. Everything must be "caused" nothing just happens.
    The word manifest means to display or to show. It can also mean something that is obviously visible. Once you have put in the hard work and achieve your goals so you can manifest (exhibit or show) your accomplishments.

  3. Lol you trippin
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  4. Not sure about all the philosophical stuff behind the post, however it seems you're just ambitious, which isn't a bad thing at all. I'm a very determined person as well, and it has both caused me good and bad. You also have the same mindset that 95% of American children dream of, buying their own parents a nice house.

    One thing goes along with that though, never keep chasing the money your entire life. You will fail and before you know it you'll be working your ass off just to live every month, probably like how your own parents are doing right now. Many people chase money their entire life, and never see anything of value.

    The mindset of, "if I just keep working my ass off, success will come", is false. This is what gets people stuck in the scenario above. Not to put you down either, but real estate takes a good amount of money to get into. Yes, about 80% of the people in the world who are millionaires got it from real estate, but they also had those "small loans of a million dollars" (trump). Real estate is also a common reason many people go homeless/broke, the market can eat you alive.

    You want to make it in today's world? You gotta be cutthroat and you gotta be willing to take on new challenges. We're in a world of tech, learn to code, create something nobody knows they need, and then you can buy your parents a house. Or, if you have money to play with, go your route of investing, rather is real estate, cars, stocks, or crypto... It generally takes money to make more money.
  5. The number one key to success is learning how to budget.
    It's so easy to be a slave to your finances. But a simple budget can transform your entire world. With just a small amount of discipline you can tell your money what to do. Anyone can do an envelope system.
    It used to be taught in school. But now they have all but removed the useful information from our education systems.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Harness that energy into accomplishing your dreams. The harder you work, the luckier you get. Good luck.
  7. Very good point. I wish school focused on more life skills/lessons, when I got into this world I didn’t know shit. Given I wasn’t the best student ever, and may have simply not paid any attention in those classes either, but at least I’d have somewhat of an idea to the world. My first apartment I owned I didn’t know anything about saving, and after 6 months had an eviction notice for being short on rent. Now I’m 21 and already have retirement/emergency funds building slowly, something non of my siblings can say.

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