Latest pick-up

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Vato805, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Im gunna be toking my latest pick up 2night!!! tell me what ya think:D
    I named it apple
  2. I think taste better eaten the smoked :smoke:
  3. I approve.

  4. :D maybe i"ll make applesauce after

  5. Dude thats whats up.. I smoked one after football practice with 3 of my buddies and it was one of my buddies first time to get high and we got him to eat the apple lmao.. We smoked like 5 bowls off of it and when we broke it in apart it was black and he still ate it with nothing to drink. I about puked haha.. Apple's are awesome to blaze off of.. I smoked off a potato one time and that was rather disquisting lol
  6. i wonder how a lime pipe would be

  7. this is my 1st time if you can believe that! did u tell him he would get more high?
  8. hell ya vato ive done this but for the bowl i used one of my slides:smoke:

  9. jaja legit idea!!!
  10. lol hell ya no messin around with making a bowl for it:smoke:
  11. Word I did that once, carved the inside of the apple and put a GonG slide in.
  12. Lol yea it was hilarious... I mean i was gagging just watching him eat it.. He didn't even make any faces he was so high.. It was the highlight of my senior year.. We was about to graduate and just got out of football practice and we all just get super toasted out in the parking lot and a buddy eats a nasty ass resined apple

  13. jajaja i have never been one 2 amuse myself by causing ridicule to others, but i miust agree sitting back and watching it done is fun for example newbies and drinking the bong water
  14. Shit manz, that thing must diffuse liek crazy :p, lol nah but atleast you can eat it after you toke :D!

  15. ...You have No idea!!!! it Hits like a CHAMP:D
  16. This dude was a clown and always messed with us so we thought we should take advantage of him being high and have him do something stupid.. I had a video of it on my phone but its long gone on one of my old phones thats broke... It was hilarious though:smoke:

  17. jaja i can imagine so man

  18. Thanx man!!! ive been posting alot these last few days and expanding outside of TT aswell...just realized how much i missed the CITY now just trying 2 get all my rep bars:D
  19. #20 RepentYeNbelievethegospel, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2011
    haha nice I think I got all my bars but got more levels to go!!

    yea man I just got back from a sick concert!! :metal:
    Hopefully ya didnt forget about us here at the city :p

    oh and thanks for the rep!! I tried to rep ya before but I gotta spread it :/

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