It was fun while it lasted but I gotta move on Mods, how do I send a request to get my account deleted? and no this is not a joke And the funniest blade award goes to Tha Professor might think that I might know a bit more about it than you...being staff and all. (She MAY delete his account, but the official policy is that we don't.)
So sorry to question your vast expertise Will (being staff and all) but when I asked her to please delete my previous account she was more than happy to help me out.
I know more than a few people that have had their accounts deleted.... I enjoy your sarcasm though. Ummm yeahhh See ya, mistablaze!
is there a douche virus going around? geez people, can we speak (type) to each other nicely or is that a thing of the past?
All these bad vibes would be completely unnecessary if folks would take 5 seconds to do a search:
No more bad vibes from me FW (and Flower). My douchiness has subsided and all I see now are butterflies and rainbows...of course that might be the Super Lemon Haze talking
must be nice being all the way up there on that horse. official policy? gimme a break dude. are you oblivious to the threads in the website feedback titled "how do i delete my account"? in which RMJL tells them to send her a pm.