Hi! I'm helping promote the Grateful Dead Sirius station and iI just wanted to let you know about all the cool details of the channel, such as: <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o> - Unreleased concert recordings<o></o> - Original shows hosted by band members Bob Weir, Mickey Hart, Phil Lesh and Bill Kreutzmann<o></o> - Rare archival concerts and interviews<o></o> - Contributions from GD expert David Gans and archivist David Lemieux<o></o> - Daily broadcasts of full length concerts at 3am, 12noon and 9pm ET. <o></o> - Interviews on Saturdays at 10amET and Sundays at 8pm ET<o></o> - “Today in Grateful Dead History†with David Lemieux- Daily at 7am, 11am and 7pm ET.<o></o> - Sirius is listening to what you want for the GD channel: Call 877-33-SIRIUS, hit 32, and share your thoughts on what should happen on The Grateful Dead Channel<o></o> If you don't have Sirius, you can preview the station for free at www.sirius.com/gratefuldead. Hope you'll join us!<o></o>