I was into week eight of bloom for a northern lights X skunk grow when I noticed some white fuzzy stuff on one of the main flowers. At first I thought it was just more THC which was being produced in abundance but eventually I woke up to the fact it was mold and I found it in several areas. After the initial panic I did an immediate harvest just a day or two short of the planned date. I did a quick dry using a dehydrator on the herb setting of 95 degrees F. I separated all of the stuff with mold on it and dried that after I had dried the good stuff. The quick dry seems to halt any further mold growth and the dried moldy area seem to clean off quite well with just a light scraping. I think this happened because, for the first time, I'm growing in a real tent and my ventilation may have been insufficient. I'm guessing that this may be grey mold or "FB". I've attached a magnified pic. This grow was a single plant in a Waterfarm bucket system with a one 80 x 3watt LED light.
Powdery mildew.. It's white fuzzy and typically circles, harmless compared to black or grey mold. Which would be considered bud rot. Next time but some pm wash.. Stands for powdery mildew. Or make your own with banking soda water and a little bit of oil. I've had it every crop lol.
Thanks for the reply but I'm not so sure. Powdery Mildew was my first guess but what I see in pictures looks nothing like what was on my buds. Freakbro's great pest thread has me thinking it is grey mold aka "FB".