Lasting Effects of Alcohol Poisoning

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by bdingalu, Nov 7, 2009.

  1. So after I got alcohol poisoning for the first time my body seems to handle alcohol much differently. I used to be able to drink like crazy and now it seems I get sick much easier and get weird feelings in my sides(not quite painful but sometimes tight) when drinking. It also seems I get intoxicated easier. Is there any explanation for this?

    As reference, I had alcohol poisoning that was causing me to pass out at random intervals the next morning as I struggled from my room to the bathroom to the kitchen for water. I was in a complete stupor the whole time.
  2. yep. your body learns man. the first time i got alcohol poisoning i drank a whole liter of vodka in about 45 minutes, threw up all night and pissed my bed. for about 6 months after that, any time i would smell raspberry vodka i would feel really sick, and anytime i would take a shot it would come right back up. its a bitch but your body knows how to protect itself.:wave:
  3. If you did not see a physician about the inital episode, and you are having pain now, you may have injured your pancreas.
    If you develop severe pain, please seek medical assistance promptly-acute pancreatitis can be rapidly fatal.
    I compare the non-serious pain to a tight fist, or ball, up under the ribs...
  4. I had a good friend who died like this, he coughed and ruptured his pancreas. So like this man said, pay close attention to this pain you speak of.
  5. haha same here man. drank an entire bottle of uv blue waaay to fast. ended up blacking out and waking up in a pool of vomit. i couldn't stand the taste of any vodka or smell of it without getting sick for probably a year after. now i can finally drink the shit again just have to learn to pace myself.
  6. funny story. once i got alcohol poisioning from vodka and orange juice. for the next 2 years i couldn't even smell orange juice without getting ill. no problem drinking vodka though, wierd huh.

    there are a lot of things in your G.I tract that you can damage when you convulsivley vommit, keep an eye in the pain your experiencing if it gets worse or fails to get better, time to see the DR.
  7. that drug in your sig sounds dope as fuck.
  8. it is the family of chemicals that a lot of entactogens belong to. MDXX. by substituing different compounds in the XX position you get LOTS of good stuff. MDA, MDMA, MDMM, MDEA, ETC,ETC. MDPEA by itself is not active.....but as a source compound :)
  9. i know. i've been meaning to read pihkal for a while
  10. it's a good read. Misha is a pretty funny writer. if you're an organic chemist there is a great cookbook in the back. check out Tikal as well. good stuff

  11. for sure. maybe i'll but pihkal today since i just got paid but i think the gram of molly takes priority :smoking:

    edit. ultimate threadjack. hope you dont die OP :wave:

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