Last year ammended soil still good?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by yinyang, May 9, 2012.

  1. Hey guys just about to get ready for the seaon and I was wondering about this...last year I amended the soil at my plot with pro mix, shrimp and crab compost mix, worm castings (veg), bat guano (flower) a bit of dolomite lime, extra perlite and top soil to plant them on raised beds as I thought the area was kindof a swampy.
    Funny thing is the entire swamp dried up hafway through the summer and they ended up underwatered. Plus I had a rodent problem :mad: but anyways...

    Is last year's amended soil still good? Took me an entire 2 days of just hauling bags to the spot last year and Im hoping not to go thru that again :eek:
  2. You could add more soil ammendments just dont over do it, kelp meal, bone meal, alfalfa meal, neem seed meal, crab shell meal, greensand, azomite or some other rock dust full of minerals, and mycos. I would really recommend you get kelp meal in there, mineral rock, and mycos.

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