Last toke /:

Discussion in 'General' started by Dr. Dank, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Well, tomorrow will be my last time smoking for 6 months, because of probation. I'm gonna smoke some Super Silver Haze my cousin grabbed out of a dispensary when he was in Cali. I wanna have a great, long lasting high, and have some fun with it for my last toke. Can any of you blades gimme some things to do for my last high? I might do some of them while i'm high. I'll let you know if I do:smoke:
  2. id say smoke a fatass joint, maybe go fishing or swimming at a river or lake nearby. If there are any woods go for a hike, get to a cool spot and spark the j. IF your just gonna kick it at home, get a good video game, good tunes, tv show you like, or movie.

  3. Well, i'm just gonna smoke about 4 large bowls. I'd rather not swim, cause I feel I lose my high; or any super physical activity for that matter haha. Music is definitely a must however.
  4. find some chick to give you head
  5. Eat/ drink sweet stuff ... Or try the mango technique probably ... :smoke:
  6. fuck probabtion man. been on it for 7 months 5 more to go. good thing is youll have zero tolerance lol. and after the first week i hardly thought about bud but i still like coming to grasscity though. and since i got on probation the amount of alcohol has atleast doubled...drink every weekend now when i used to hardly drink
  7. you could always buy 'alternatives' at smoke shops.

    It gets you just as high as bud imo but is is shorter.

    I use to do that when I was on probation for a year.
  8. [quote name='"misael"']fuck probabtion man. been on it for 7 months 5 more to go. good thing is youll have zero tolerance lol. and after the first week i hardly thought about bud but i still like coming to grasscity though. and since i got on probation the amount of alcohol has atleast doubled...drink every weekend now when i used to hardly drink[/quote]

    That's what I'll probably do, is pick up more drinking. Not nearly as good as smoking though. /:
  9. I had to go back and read what you wanted help with ... Apparently I was right ... So, are you sipping on a smoothie or something? :D
  10. fuck that shits poison. atleast if i die drinking it isnt from a giant mental attack and itll probably be when im sleeping lol. alcohol has been around for thousands of years, spice maybe 10 years? not really sure. plus it tastes like ass. and it will fuck up your cannabinoid receptors in your brain so when you smoke weed things will not be the same as you remember smoking weed.

    that being said

    fuck spice

    and once more

    fuck spice
  11. #12 fukface, Aug 7, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2012
    I remember that probation shit. My po piss checked me every fucking visit for 14 months! And even up to the last time I went in there I went in smiling and whistling that "one toke over the line song" - lol. He wanted me!!! I was like, yeah - when monkeys fly outta your butt you dickhead! [I didn't say that out loud... duh]

  12. Don't do this, the stuff isn't even worth it.
  13. [quote name='"misael"']

    fuck that shits poison. atleast if i die drinking it isnt from a giant mental attack and itll probably be when im sleeping lol. alcohol has been around for thousands of years, spice maybe 10 years? not really sure. plus it tastes like ass. and it will fuck up your cannabinoid receptors in your brain so when you smoke weed things will not be the same as you remember smoking weed.

    that being said

    fuck spice

    and once more

    fuck spice[/quote]

    Shit man I have smoked that stuff for awhile under threat of random piss tests, I stopped a couple months back though, will it really make bud not be the same anymore? Does that effect go away after awhile? You've got me freaked out man!!
  14. [quote name='"MtnShaman1"']

    Shit man I have smoked that stuff for awhile under threat of random piss tests, I stopped a couple months back though, will it really make bud not be the same anymore? Does that effect go away after awhile? You've got me freaked out man!![/quote]

    I'd be more worried about the other side effects to be honest lol...
  15. I hear that! I stopped 9 days ago cause I was affraid I was gonna trip over something and have to go to company doc or emerg room. Even if I wasn't smoking and hurt myself, they'd still drug test me. Fuck that paranoia! I gotta not trip over shit or get poke in the eye or something for 21 more days. Right? After 30 days a piss test is clean??? Plaese, just say yes. Thank you.
  16. Well like I said I stopped because it was messing my lungs up and I just knew it was crappy for my body, but now I'm worried when I can smoke bud again I won't be able to get high, hoping that effect goes away with time :eek
  17. [quote name='"fukface"']

    I hear that! I stopped 9 days ago cause I was affraid I was gonna trip over something and have to go to company doc or emerg room. Even if I wasn't smoking and hurt myself, they'd still drug test me. Fuck that paranoia! I gotta not trip over shit or get poke in the eye or something for 21 more days. Right? After 30 days a piss test is clean??? Plaese, just say yes. Thank you.[/quote]

    Depends man, if you were an occasional ticker you'd be good in 7 days, just work out and hydrate adequately you'll be fine
  18. Just do what makes it last longest.
  19. dont become a super alcoholic lol

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