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last time you bought a dime?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KushSmokaa, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. i have been buying dubs for a while and last time i bought a dime was months ago. do you guys buy dimes? i would buy by the eighth if i had a better source but i love dimes every now and then, there so easy to carry, hide, and even though there probably a waste if you only buy them anyway just wanted to know who else buys dimes sometimes

    i just hate how fast they go.
  2. going to get one tmorro
  3. Lolno I never buy that small. Lowest I buy is a teener.
  4. Almost a year ago...I try not to buy less than a half at a time
  5. whats a teener?
  6. I hate when people call it nicks and dimes. That just makes them seem like 6th graders. What is someone even supposed to do with a half gram??
    Anyway, I never buy less than an eighth. You're losing money that way. I'm switching to a quarter ounce now though.

    Never heard anyone use the term "teener."
  7. i wish i could buy that much and i would if i lived on my own but i dont since im still in highschool and dont have a good source atm.
  8. Yea same question, sounds like a weird way of saying a ten
  9. A dime by me is .3-.4 of dank. I buy em all the time when I dont have money for weight.
  10. teener = teenth
  11. i have no idea i buy by the half all the time
  12. dude im from jersey too and its .5 what part are you from?
  13. I've never bought a dime and probably never will.
  14. eh there good when your short, dimes or dubs i dont always have 55 to throw down on an eighth.

    i remember when i first started smoking me and my old friend would put in 5 each and buy a dime and make that last friday and saturday. but he would pinch our bud that we split like a douche so i stopped chilling with him but good times and funny to think how i used to spend 5 dollars on bud for a weekend
  15. how does one pinch .5 grams??? how does one use .25 grams in one day???
  16. dude we had extremely low tolerance and sharing a bowl would get us ripped and its not like we smoked all day we would chill after school then smoke a bowl friday night and pass out then wake up saturday chill and smoke saturday night ...good times to bad that kids a major douche now :/ we had good times until we started smoking then he became a controlling know it all asshole ... sucks that people change over a drug thats supposed to bring people together.
  17. I buy dimes of mids every once in a while... It's the only time I get mids.
    Mids here is actually pretty good! 10 bucks for 1.7-2 grams of high mids is worth it for me.
  18. Thats probably the realest thing I've heard in a while.

  19. thanks dude its true it bums me out cuz the kid was friends with me since like 2nd grade then we started blazing in highschool and he just fucking started becoming an asshole, never would re pay people for smoking him out and would just straight deny it and alot of other shit but ya its whatever people grow apart i just wish i had friends who i didnt have to worry about money and we could just smoke but im not hear to cry about my problems loll pce
  20. Bought a nickel bag today.. Multiple times too, haha. :smoking:

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