win time at the last place on earth free lodging free heat and ac free me free dildos for the ladies free flying clowns on crack during an air raid led by top guns tom the crush mail man knocks twice ET run forrest run, back to saturday nite live or let live till death does u in bur then it can happen again and agian with only 1 man to see because he has his eyes open u and me no can be the sea is my love in the way that make me horny so horny oh i like this thread i can let all ten ppl in me talk at once then read it do I win no i do no me 2 4 u 2 whataaa wowowowowowowowowowoowowowowowowowowow ho some1 call my shrink iv blown a fuse i think my mind is realing my loins are feeling the touch of my hand oh time to go
It is important to remember that, if, someone wishes to post in this thread to do so in an articulate and intelligent manner. Simply posting nonsense is against the forum rules. So, please, try to post something somewhat intelligent before posting in this thread. Thanks!
hu? shazzam was a real early super hero also was used by gomer pile also was shaq? or someone in a movie can u tell me what the point of this thread is? do I win? I'm hi so I dont know if ur post was serious or in the spririt of this thread, so pleace explain. no sarcasm, just curious.
Shazzam is a what now? There is no real point to this thread that I can discern. My post was serious, however, although, as long as people keep the basic precepts in mind, they should be able to post freely without chagrin
Lol Liquidtruth....How old R U ? Back in the 70s tere saw a tv show that had a super hero that said ": SHAZAAM" and lightening would hit him and change him into a super hero........ then when gomer pile came along....usmc....a spin off from andy griffins mayberry....used the term "Shazam" as an exclimation as we would the word "shhhhit" or " phat". I know there is one more lg trivia Q when< (i wanna say shaq for some reason) made a movie in the late 90s w/some references to shazamm....who knows...iv been stoned since the late 70s, thanx for the honest reply.....i will say though ur last post had me rolling.... do i win? I guess whichever mod closes thisz thread actuallt wins, but what? asshole of the month?? just asking.....