Last Peyote Critical plant yielded 6 seeds, Question?

Discussion in 'General' started by TallCotton, Oct 27, 2022.

  1. #1 TallCotton, Oct 27, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2022
    Hello folks not one for posting many questions here but I have one maybe someone can help me out.
    Not a big seed breeder or one who knows a lot about doing so. OK , My last plant Peyote Crit gave me 6 nice seeds most likely late nanners, last year. I took those seeds and raised them this past summer and just finished my harvest. My question is why were all the plants not the same when grown out, some were larger plants and some looked totally different from each other.
    Was this due to the Mother and Father plants and the different X Y chromosomes can yield a few different seeds due to the fact my plants were from hybrid seeds to begin with.
    Will it be worth my troubles when it is cured?
    One more thing seeds were feminized as were the offspring I grew from the seeds produced from original plants.
  2. My brother has blond hair, and my sister is short....I'm tall and dark haired...but we all came from the same parents.

    only dolly the sheep will provide you with like genetics.
  3. So Gregor Mendel was correct in his experiments with plants and off springs.
  4. I wasn't familiar with the name so had to google. Thanks for sharing. excerpt from google below.

    Gregor Johann Mendel was a person of German ancestry living as a monk in Brno, Moravia (present-day Czech Republic). He was educated at the University of Vienna in Austria and conducted experiments between 1856 and 1863 utilizing garden peas within a small five-acre plot on the monastery grounds of the Abbey of St. Thomas.

    Mendel worked with seven distinct characteristics of pea plants: plant height, pod shape and color, seed shape and color, and flower position and color. He carefully sorted the progeny derived from the parent plants based on these characteristics and counted the number that inherited each character. As a result of these studies, he discovered that these heritable traits were passed on by the parents and were distributed among the resulting offspring in definitive mathematical ratios, which established specific laws of inheritance for the first time. For example, with seed color, he showed that when a yellow pea and a green pea were cross pollinated, the resulting offspring plant always produced yellow seeds. However, in the next generation of plants, the green peas reappeared at a ratio of 1:3 (green to yellow). These studies also recognized that some traits were dominant while others were recessive. This example shows that yellow was the dominant trait.
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