Last person on Earth...

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by PeruvianDank, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. Imagine waking up one Saturday morning, everything seems to be normal, nothing changed as long as you know. But then you go outside to your car and suddenly, you notice an empty city. All humans went extinct with you as an exception. What would you do if you had the whole planet to yourself? How would you live the rest of your life in isolation? Where would you live, what would you eat, do for fun, etc? In the beginning it would be awesome to have everything to yourself...

    Bah, who am I kidding, life without others humans is no life. We are social animals and without other humans, we can't be humans. To wake up one day and find you are the only one, would be so fucking depressive, I can't even express with words how terrible it would be.

    If I was the last person on earth, the first thing on my mind would be to go to the nearest gun & ammunition store and get as much as I can to protect myself from possible future threats but also to hunt city animals like pigeons or stray dogs (would also keep a pack of dogs to keep me company), then to all the supermarkets to get all the food and water I can possibly get. After that, I would go to an Audi dealership and get myself an R8 (the last human on earth has to have some fun, right?). Then stock up on gasoline and probably some bicycles in case the gas ran out. I would live on a penthouse overlooking the pacific ocean. I think I would pass my time reading and farming my ridiculously huge pot farm. Probably some dolls too (not your daughter's doll). lol :p

    What would you do? Be creative guys. :smoke:
  2. I would spend most of my time smoking weed and immersing myself into any piece of humanity I can find (books, movies, etc). Always with a dog companion by my side :D

    Come to think of it, that sounds like what I do now..
  3. #3 rollinjoints, Dec 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2011
    This is a superb post.

    I would, first gather as much knowledge on farming as I can by grabbing books from large bookstores. I would find a luxurious house to live in (maybe the White House). I would plant vegetables and, of course, a large quantity of marijuana. I would gather all the weapons I could find, however, would save them for a worst case scenario (encountering a bear or other predators). I would instead build a bow and arrow as my primary weapon in the wild, as I could easily make my own ammunition (with a gun I would have a limited amount of bullets).

    I would try to get my hands on some animals (cat, dog, parrot), but would let them roam freely. I could also go to the nearest zoo and release some Chimpanzees to accompany me (and kill/eat the more threatening animals). If my crops were ever lacking, I'd hunt deer, since there is an abundance of them where I live. But I would primarily eat insects and drink from streams.

    I'd spend my sunsets stargazing with my favorite companion (perhaps Wolf), smoking ganja and listening to the wildlife (or building something).

    I would learn how to hotwire cars so that I could easily steal random cars (thus never running out of gas) in order to move around quickly. But for the most part, I would try to become apart of nature again, creating primitive solutions to my needs (mainly because I would lack the skill to create complicated things).

    All I'd be missing is vagina.
  4. Man, you described my Utopia.

    What would I do? I'd rob from every store I could, build myself a compound, drive down to Washington and raid the Pentagon, steal what I could from the CIA... Heck, the world would be my oyster... Of course, I'd probably be sad after I ran out of food, though, if I got my airponic grow up and running I guess I'd have no real worries.
  5. #6 Outis, Dec 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2011
    But the gas pumps at stations wouldn't work? And if you lived in a penthouse you'd have to climb all those stairs to the top from the elevator not working!


    I think I'd end up on (or within like a football field of, rather) a nice beach and build a bungalow on stilts (like twelve feet up, like they build in southern Louisiana, so floods don't take your house). I'd probably have to use living trees to hold it up because of the stable root system.

    There I could fish and make beach fires.

    And I'd scavenge a nice boat (decent small fishing boat style) to keep on the ground but tied to the front porch (12ft up) in case it DOES flood and I have to temporarily dip to find supplies.
  6. Solar panels + electric motors = Problems solved. :)
  7. Yeah, that could work until things break.

    I'd save the energy and enjoy the peace and introspection that being the last person on Earth would allow.
  8. 1 question . would all the humans that dissapeared die somehow and there bodies lie rotting or everyone else just dissapears? you cant run out of food in a world like that, there's so much food in the supermarkets across countries that wont spoil. mostly cans and maybe chips and whatever else but there would for sure be enough around the country to easily live a lifetime.:p

  9. Could you successfully make that work though? I imagine it would be a complicated task.
  10. If you were the last person on Earth how many solar panels would you be able to get your hands on? I would wager it would be enough to last until ya died alone and sad. :)
  11. What would you guys do for fun in a world inhabited by one human?

    I would fly airplanes and sail like Colombus all over the seas lol. This would be where I would live (actual location in Lima), in the top suite of the Marriot Hotel overlooking the pacific:

  12. I'd fly airplanes too. I wouldn't even try to land them. I'd just parachute out of them somewhere over the place I wanted to land.
  13. I'd just raid a bunch of peoples stashes of weed and munchies.. yeaaah:smoke:
  14. I would drive north to where the fertile land (north Cali) to live off the land with my dogs. I'd figure there would be plants and bud everywhere already. Seeds and growing stuff would be available. I'd raid farms for seeds to eat as well.

    Be nice to able to grow tobacco and cocoa leaves or tea plants. You're also going to need a lot of hustler magazines and throw away shirts.

  15. It would be helpful to learn everything you could about genetics as well so you could actually use some found DNA (or your own) and reconstruct it to be the perfect female (well, 13 of them) so you can repopulate the world.
  16. The real question is, how long before you start banging animals?
  17. Never if you can master genetics. :)
  18. Sailing the seas by yourself seems highly dangerous. My only goal would be to survive, therefore I'd keep it basic.

    Or I'd go to a lab and try to clone a female human. lol

  19. Ask my friend Ezequiel here:


    Illustrated by Édouard-Henri Avril.

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