on approaching my dream girl? ima approach her tomorrow, made eye contact in lunch for like 10 seconds the other day. all i was planning on saying was hi then asking her name and ask her where shes headed. would simply saying "hi" work? ive done it before, but i dont really know what to say when i see her, i cant even explain what i mean in words.
Just be like "Hey, what's up" casually like it's no big deal, compliment her on something she's wearing, she'll probably tell you about it if she's diggin on you. Just let the conversation go from there, find a good place to suggest some time to hang or whatever, and get the fuck out. Nothing worse than lingering too long, she'll get bored and lose interest in you. Getting a girl is like chess, move in too quick and you'll expose a weakness, move to slow and they'll build up a defense, putting you in the friend zone. You have to treat each girl like a unique challenge, they each respond differently to things. You'll have to learn to listen and pay attention to what she likes and dislikes, that is, if you want this to be a potentially serious relationship. This is all from my personal experience with girls, take it as it is, and results may vary.
thanks, i got 1 more question, would it be okay at the beggining of lunch to find her and get food and ask if i can join her at her table and talk, OR wait till the end of the period and say hey whats up when were leaving and walk with her down the hall?
I'm mean, dude, you just gotta do what feels right, but I would walk with her after lunch. Unless you can eat with just her, lunch will include all of her friends and I prefer to work without an audience. And chances are, if it goes well she'll say "You should come sit with me at lunch sometime" here you have two options: if you're sure she's into you go ahead and eat with her, but if there's any doubt, don't seem too eager or desperate, maybe make her wait a day or two before you eat with her or just sit down with her for like 5-10 minutes.
I think it would be less awkward to find her at the end of the period and walk with her. That way... If she ends up being a psycho bitch, it's easier to escape without being rude.
Don't think she was wonderin why the creepy guy in the corner, with his hand in his pants, was staring at her for 10 seconds?
This is really good advice, and even if you're not interested in a serious relationship you should pay attention to what she likes and dislikes.