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Last couple weeks of flower what to do about cal mag

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by NoaLeaF, May 3, 2023.

  1. I have a plant that is in the last two weeks of flowering and the leaves keep coming up with a little orange spots they are not rust it is from calcium deficiency I believe although I have been giving Cal mag every other watering until I recently stopped all nutes. Now that I am flushing and just using water what do I do about the orange spots on the leaves can I still give it a calmag or just continue to give water and hope for the best.
  2. Also, do I remove the leaves/parts of leaves that have the orange spots?

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  3. have been making my ph around 6.8 or trying to with the liquid kit....yellow with a tiny hint of green for the ph color test
  4. Also just watered yesterday with just water its still too damp to water again but do I give it a little shot if cal mag water? the orange spots are spreading
  5. Considering you're already adding cal-mag, it's probably not a calcium deficiency. These plants aren't really just an infinite sink for calcium, there's an upper limit associated with it just like any other nutrient.

    It'd help to have details on what you'd been doing up to this point. Feed strength and nutrients would be a good start. Light wattage would help as well.

    For a plant that is 2 weeks from harvest, it looks relatively stunted. I'd expect to see a bit more flower unless you're under very low wattage. I want to say that there'd been something going on during the whole flowering cycle, not just now. Problems generally show up after they've progressed enough to cause damage. Deficiencies can happen for a while without showing anything.

    My first guess is that the NPK ratio of bloom nutrients isn't quite right. They're usually low in nitrogen and plants need quite a bit through flower. I think it's important to recognize that plant ailments manifest in ways that aren't congruent with the little infographics of plant deficiencies that float around. Those are sort of helpful but disregard a ton of important information.

    The plant behind the flowering one looks like it's got something going on as well. Purple stems and the strange colored leaves make me think there's something systemic that's causing this. I would highly suggest ditching the liquid pH test kit. Although, I have a horrible time discerning colors in general. A meter is a better bet. Adjusting pH without being able to be relatively precise ends up in issues.
  6. maybe its not two weeks from harvest but its about week 5-6flower....this plant was stunted back when it was small from overfertilizing....Inhave been giving tiger bloom suggest amount with big bloom and cal mag every other feeding with cal mag water in between up umtil yesterday when I thought I would start flushing
  7. these planta survived a crazy overdose of seaweed and fish fert....gave EACH thw amount you put in a gallon of in each cup no water straight fert about 2 months ago or so .........but the orange spots werent there the whole time....more kit seems to work good I actually had problems with the digital meter just kept drifting....too annoying to upkeep the digital meters
  8. I have an HLG 200 R spec its plenty def not a lighting issue....I started off my grow with shitty lights not knowing what I was doing so yeah they are the hlg like a month ago
  9. also have an extra grow tent next to that one and a spare 120 watt light...maybe move the 2 flowering autos in there with the one light and leave the 4 photos in the current tent?
  10. that is the only plant that has the orange spots out of 6 in my tent....ita lilac diesel and I believe I saw another photo of one from northatlantic seeda like mine on the internet somewhere and it also had the orange spots on the leaves....could it be genetics and it is more prone to something?

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